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us Manshur B0BM5ZFZCF RRFZKXDPMA32A Verified Purchase ACB 3.0 Just what I expected I've rated this product a 3 stars because of the following reasons:1. Uses a mobile Sim card which means you can use it far away from home.2. Uses solar power! Big plus on this. This means you can use it ANYWHERE!NOW the BAD news:1. You need thier app. I'm not a fan of having anybody having access to MY PRIVATE INFORMATION. Mobile information and video should be private.2. It only uses THEIR CLOUD SERVER FOR A FEE! When I saw that it can use a cloud storage I really thought I could use Nextcloud or Google.This could have been a great camera. If you don't value your privacy, then this is a GREAT camera. Sadly I will need to return this. I've rated this product a 3 stars because of the following reasons:1. Uses a mobile Sim card which means you can use it far away from home.2. Uses solar power! Big plus on this. This means you can use it ANYWHERE!NOW the BAD news:1. 您需要您的应用程序。 我不是让任何人访问我的私人信息的粉丝。 移动信息和视频应该是私人的2。 它仅需费用即可使用他们的云服务器! 当我看到它可以使用云存储时,我真的认为我可以使用NextCloud或Google。这可能是一台很棒的相机。 如果您不重视隐私,那么这是一台很棒的相机。 可悲的是,我需要归还。 2024-06-14 2024-06-17 02:58:59