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us ZUMIMALL B0BXS21FML R3077C0OQ3WKWK Verified Purchase DesertByrne 1.0 Malfunctioned After 3 Months… This camera has several features, some within app menus and some design features that are undesirable or less than ideal. There were also some customer service issues. I’ll save the most impactful for last:1. The white lights that come on concurrently with the Passive Infra Red (PIR) at night are unfortunate. Like many people, I do not want the camera easily detected by others. The white lights ensure that anyone being detected will be aware. While that may be desirable to some, there should be a setting where that is an option. It also causes wildlife to retreat, so don’t use this as a trail cam.2. When examining a photo that was just taken, you cannot zoom in on the photo within the camera menu; you need to give Zumimall FULL access to your phone photos in order to save the photo, then enlarge it in your phone app.3. There are times when I have to hit the ‘back arrow’ within a menu several (5-6 times) just to return to the home menu. Not very well thought out.4. The camera worked well for 3 months, then ceased functioning. While customer service was very responsive and professional, it took many emails, creating a video to send them, and a lot of my time and trouble attempting to narrow down the issue before contacting them. So I’ve been without a camera now for a couple weeks, and they have agreed to warranty this one with a replacement or a refund. No thank you on a replacement. I do not trust the reliability of the product. This is an inequitable solution; there was no flexibility to offer anything for my valuable time and trouble. I asked for a discount to upgrade to a more reliable model, but that was denied.5. Additionally, I had just paid $44 for 3 months of cellular service right before the camera died. Instead of refunding that promptly, I was told that this part of the refund would “take some time”. Not equitable. First, ‘some time’ is ambiguous and undefined, and second, that is very poor customer service. Rather, I suggest that they refund the faulty camera and cell service funds simultaneously, so that the customer is reimbursed promptly.I will need to do my homework better and read relevant reviews instead of just looking at the sheer number of reviews and the overall star rating prior to engaging the next camera company, since I am disappointed with this one. 2024-05-18 2024-05-30 17:50:55