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us Holy Stone B0CGTTNJXL R3FY1SXN3R6Q6S Verified Purchase JustDave 2.0 Myabe works? Is it working? Maybe. There is no way to tell if it's getting a GPS fix. Sure you can fire up a RemoteID app on your smart phone and tell, but why? Why not have the status lights tell you?Speaking of the GPS - it sat on my windowsill for 3 hours and didn't get a GPS fix.And what about the info it's broadcasting? Hmmm, using the OpenID app it says that the UA Type is "Helicopter or Multirotor". No way to change it if I'm a fixed wing R/C plane.It says I am "Airborne" but no, it's on my desk.It sets the Catagory to "EU Open", the Class to EU Class 1". Nope and Nope - I'm in the USA. Again, no way to change that too. Nor the Operation Description, Operator ID and other data that should be able to be changed.Sorry, this RemoteID module fails in so many ways that I'm returning it. 它有效吗? 或许。 没有办法判断它是否正在获得GPS修复。 当然,您可以在智能手机上启动远程应用程序并告诉您,但是为什么? 为什么没有状态灯告诉您?说到GPS-它在我的Windowsill上坐了3个小时,没有得到GPS修复。 嗯,使用OpenID应用程序,它说UA类型是“直升机或多轨道”。 如果我是固定机翼的R/C平面,则无法更改它。它说我是“机载”,但不,它在我的桌子上。它使“欧盟打开”(欧盟1级班级)设定了类似的阶级。 不,不 - 我在美国。同样,也无法更改它。也没有操作说明,运算符ID和其他应该可以更改的数据。对不起,这个远程模块以多种方式失败,以至于我 '我返回它。 2024-04-05 2024-04-07 04:55:45
us Holy Stone B0CGTTNJXL R29BX9244HTO8O Verified Purchase Jago 1.0 Malfunctioning DOA, needs better QC. The malfunctoning unit did charge its battery, but fail to connect to any of my phones. Followed every single step, and wont work as it should. Looking for other brands now. 故障单元确实为电池充电,但无法连接到我的任何手机。 遵循每个步骤,无法按照应有的方式工作。 现在寻找其他品牌。 2024-04-06 2024-04-09 06:14:36
us Holy Stone B0CGTTNJXL R2YXFJYPN285NV Verified Purchase Briansci 1.0 Terrible customer support So, I received this unit, unboxed it and put it on a USB charger to ensure it had enough charge to set up. Downloaded the app from the QR in the user's guide, installed the app on my Galaxy s21 android phone. I then unplugged the unit from the charger and connected to it per the instructions, intered all my pertinent information and was directed to restart the rid unit. I powered down the unit, powered it back up and tried to reconnect to verify the rid information. I could not reconnect, the unit was no longer found and just got the swirl on the phone display. I thought maybe the app got corrupted so I reinstalled the app. Still could not find the rid unit. I then called customer service, they did answer and we walked through the setup process, I was then asked if I could install the app on another phone, I told her I only had one phone. She then said she would need to have tech support get back to me within 24 hours via email I said fine. Did not here back from support for 2 days when I finally got an email, I tried to reply to the mail and just got an automated message that my mail was undeliverable. Done, I returned the unit and will have nothing to due with Holy Stone. Consider yourself lucky if you actually get this to work. 因此,我收到了这个单元,将其拆箱并放在USB充电器上,以确保它有足够的费用来设置。 从用户指南中的QR下载了该应用程序,在我的Galaxy S21 Android手机上安装了该应用程序。 然后,我将单元从充电器插入,并根据说明连接到它,并将我所有相关信息交织在一起,并被指示重新启动RID单元。 我将设备电源电源供电,将其电源备份起来,并试图重新连接以验证RID信息。 我无法重新连接,不再找到该装置,只是在手机显示屏上旋转了。 我以为该应用程序可能损坏了,所以我重新安装了该应用程序。 仍然找不到RID单元。 然后我打电话给客户服务,他们确实回答了,我们完成了设置过程,然后我被问到是否可以在另一部手机上安装该应用程序,我告诉她我只有一部手机。 然后她说,她需要在24小时内通过电子邮件与我联系,我说的很好。 当我终于收到电子邮件时,两天都没有支持这里,我试图回复邮件,只是收到了一条自动消息,说我的邮件是无法交付的。 完成了,我返回了单位,圣石将无关。 如果您实际上可以工作,请认为自己很幸运。 2024-04-06 2024-04-09 06:14:36
us Holy Stone B0CGTTNJXL R30PGYTRJAP4YS Verified Purchase J.C. 3.0 Placement I gave it 3 stars only because when it comes down to it who really wants to slap on a square piece of plastic to their drone. But if your drone is over 250g and recreational you need it. That being said it is a flawless setup and Holy Stone has in my opinion the best customer service for any product out there. Just make sure you look up your specific model before placing your remote id. There is a recommended placement for all models. And you can also add multiple devices to your RID through your FAA registration. Once that's all done follow the FAA guidelines and your good to go. I've shown a picture of where it would go on a hs700e. Right in the middle. The reasoning behind the specific placement is so not to interfere with the antenna. So placement is important. The battery takes about an hour and a half to charge and will last about 5 hours. 我只给了3颗星,只是因为它归结为真正想在他们的无人机上打一块塑料的人。 但是,如果您的无人机超过250克,则需要它。 话虽如此,我认为这是一种完美的设置,而圣石公司是任何产品的最佳客户服务。 只需确保在放置远程ID之前查找特定型号。 所有型号都有建议的位置。 您还可以通过FAA注册将多个设备添加到RID中。 一旦完成,就可以遵循FAA指南,而您的益处也可以。 我已经显示了一张HS700E的图片。 就在中间。 特定位置背后的推理不是要干扰天线。 因此,放置很重要。 电池充电大约需要一个半小时,持续约5个小时。 2024-04-12 2024-04-15 03:23:45
us Holy Stone B0CGTTNJXL R2FG55KGPPZELK Verified Purchase KellyD 1.0 Holy Stone remote ID Remote ID never turn on once. After following direction and charging fully. The remote never even turned on for the first time.After contacting Customer Service, they wanted video and explanation. Their reply was “suggesting a potential problem with the module”. Because I could not get the item back to them within 30 days, I would have to keep it. They did offered a discount to buy another. I do not want to keep buying remote ID’ s every couple months so I am shopping for different quality brand. 远程ID永远不会打开一次。 遵循方向并充分充电。 遥控器甚至从未第一次打开。与客户服务联系后,他们想要视频和解释。 他们的答复是“暗示模块的潜在问题”。 因为我无法在30天内将物品送回他们,所以我必须保留它。 他们确实提供了折扣来购买另一个。 我不想每隔几个月就会购买远程ID,所以我正在购买不同的品牌。 2024-04-15 2024-04-18 05:52:01