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us Fazoxo B0CYH237TV RCK17KKZ78ZNG Verified Purchase PerpetualGeorge 3.0 Did not work well for me The hardware seems decent for the price. Camera works well, and house itself is fairly solid plastic. The AI bird recognition, however, is worse than useless. It identified the same Blue Jay as a waxbill, an African dove, and some other bizarre species that aren't within 3,000 miles of my home. And they want to charge $150 for this 'service.' Between the awful AI and the fact that most of the captures were of squirrels (sometimes ID'd as "bird" or "woodchuck"), I took the thing down and packed it away in the garage. 硬件的价格似乎不错。 相机运行良好,房屋本身是相当坚固的塑料。 但是,AI鸟类的识别比没有用的差。 它确定了同样的蓝色杰伊(Jay Jay)与瓦克比尔(Waxbill),非洲鸽子(African Dove)和其他一些奇异物种,它们不在我家3,000英里之内。 他们想为此“服务”收取150美元。 在可怕的AI和大多数捕获是松鼠(有时为“鸟”或“ Woodchuck”)的事实之间,我把东西放下了,将其收拾在车库中。 2024-07-03 2024-07-05 00:40:24
us Fazoxo B0D131Z3FH R22U2YJVZSBOG3 Verified Purchase Angel Blevins 1.0 Leaking makes it unusable! This thing has leaked from the first time I used it. I have tried everything. It also sways since it is hanging and notifies you every 5 seconds due to the movement. This is absolute trash and I’m out of my return window so I’m stuck with it. 从我第一次使用它开始,这东西就泄漏了。 我尝试了一切。 它也会摇摆,因为它悬挂了,并且由于动作而通知您每5秒钟。 这是绝对的垃圾,我不在返回窗口中,所以我坚持了下来。 2024-07-01 2024-07-04 00:13:43