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us birdsnap B0CZLBZJFQ R23VCNONZY1DBN Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 2.0 Our review Camera quality- great 🔥Videos - go off every 2 mins on low setting 👎🏻Bird description- half the Time it’s wrong 👎🏻Customer service - good luck with that 👎🏻Would we recommend- no 👎🏻 相机质量 - 出色的videos-低设置时每2分钟下车一次👎🏻鸟描述 - 一半是错误的时间👎🏻customer服务 - 祝您好运。 2024-06-03 2024-06-06 12:45:11
us birdsnap B0CZLBZJFQ RBZILN7E3FOF5 Dee Johns 2.0 Disappointing At first I was super excited about this was easy enough to put together, came w/ instructions, but we are off grid remote. I get great cell service and it said you can hotspot to the camera so I was excited. I got the app but then it wouldn’t connect. Tried all the troubleshooting it said, nothing worked. I took it to where I could get a wifi connection and then it was easy to connect right away to it. No problem. I went back and re-read the directions and it says it doesn’t work with 5g. Dumb. I uploaded all the images from the SD card (it came with) to my laptop and then thought these don’t look 1080! I checked the app, (while on wifi- cuz you can’t do it otherwise) found a setting that you had to change to get it to record in 1080 so I thought since I’d give it one more try. This time, it connected by hotspot (weird) but now the image was upside down! So frustrating. I found in the app a thing to 'flip' the image, but it didn’t work. (Surprise,surprise) I decided to un hot spot as it was draining my battery and my patience. I came back to check it and found it was leaking like crazy!!! There is no seal on it like on my traditional glass feeders. Nope! Big NO from me. Not worth the money or the effort. 起初,我非常兴奋,这很容易组合在一起,带来了指示,但是我们偏离了网格。 我得到了出色的手机服务,它说您可以在相机上热点点,所以我很兴奋。 我得到了该应用程序,但是它不会连接。 尝试了所有的故障排除说,什么都没有。 我把它带到了可以获得WiFi连接的地方,然后很容易立即连接到它。 没问题。 我回去重新阅读了指示,它说它与5G不起作用。 哑的。 我将SD卡中的所有图像上传到了我的笔记本电脑,然后认为这些图像看起来不可能1080! 我检查了该应用程序(虽然在Wifi-Cuz上您无法做到)找到了您必须更改以使其在1080中录制的设置,所以我想,因为我会再尝试一下。 这次,它是由热点(怪异)连接的,但是现在图像颠倒了! 如此令人沮丧。 我在应用程序中发现了“翻转”图像的东西,但它不起作用。 (惊喜,惊喜)我决定散布电池和耐心,因为它会散布热点。 我回来检查它,发现它像疯了一样泄漏!!! 我的传统玻璃喂食器上没有印章。 没有! 我的大不了。 不值得钱或努力。 2024-06-20 2024-06-23 00:19:35
us birdsnap B0CZLBZJFQ R3FNP80X25B650 Marshall Shelton 3.0 could be better This is a good feeder that takes good pics. the battery doesn't last very long ( about 2-3 days ) I have less costly game cameras that last longer. 这是一个很好的喂食器,可以拍出好照片。 电池持续时间不长(大约2-3天),我的昂贵游戏相机持续时间较长。 2024-06-21 2024-06-23 00:19:37
us birdsnap B0CZLDPLML R2Z7OOMENR7128 Ken Humbertson 2.0 I really wanted to like the product, but it leaks even when slightly filled Getting the camera connected to wifi network was a hassle due to the app wanting to pop up a QR code to be scanned on my phone, while using the phone, grrr. Pain in the rear but got it working on a tablet, so on with the review.As with many devices that employ a camera, for maximum flexibility, you need to subscribe to a cloud account for storage and to get the AI features to identify various birds. No, thanks I don't need any help determining the variety of hummingbirds in my area.In use:Camera moves in even a slight breeze, triggering motion detection , so a lot of pics with no hummingbirds.It leaks; first time I filled it with 12 oz of food and the next morning it was empty and the was a big wet spot on my deck where the fluid had dripped out overnight. Ant party!! Not what I expected and not what I want anywhere around our house. Disassembled and cleaned everything per instructions and tried again with only 6 oz this time. It leaked slower, but still was empty the next morning. Lots of motion detection pics, no hummingbirds, puddle for the ants again.Not worth it to me. Good luck if you buy one... 将相机连接到WiFi网络是一个麻烦,因为该应用希望在使用手机GRRR时弹出QR码在我的手机上扫描。 后部的疼痛,但使它在平板电脑上工作,依此类推。与许多设备使用相机,为了最大程度的灵活性,您需要订阅云帐户以存储存储,并获得AI功能以识别各种功能 鸟类。 不,谢谢,我不需要确定我所在地区各种各样的蜂鸟的任何帮助。使用:摄像机甚至轻微微风,触发运动检测,因此很多没有蜂鸟的照片。 第一次我用12盎司的食物装满它,第二天早上它是空的,这是我甲板上的一个大湿点,液体在一夜之间滴了液。 蚂蚁派对! 不是我所期望的,也不是我在房子周围任何地方想要的东西。 拆卸并清洁了每个说明的所有内容,这次再次尝试了6盎司。 它泄漏慢,但第二天早上仍然空着。 许多运动检测图片,没有蜂鸟,再次为蚂蚁水坑,对我来说不值得。 祝你好运,如果你买一个... 2024-06-02 2024-06-06 12:08:53
us birdsnap B0CZLDPLML R3DJ4J2CMNXSMK Richard Holland 3.0 Nice Feeder.....App only works well with cloud services Nice design on the feeder and cam. App works well with cloud. Very limited features when using SD card. 馈线和凸轮上的设计精美。 应用与云配合得很好。 使用SD卡时的功能非常有限。 2024-06-07 2024-06-09 06:51:21