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us Katalic B097XWMQBN R1YVSQMTH3T071 Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 1.0 Extra feedings when not scheduled The feeder erratically feeds my cat when a feeding is not scheduled. I have programmed the feeder MULITPLE times and the feeder is meant to feed my cat 4 times per day. While it will reliably feed my cat at the scheduled feeding time, it will randomly give my cat an extra serving an hour after one of the scheduled feeding times. For example, two days ago, the feeder fed the cat as scheduled, yesterday it fed the cat an extra portion at 6 am (one hour after the first feeding), and today it fed the cat 2 extra portions at 10 am (one hour after the second feeding). Since the extra servings occur erratically I can't adjust the number of servings my cat is getting so it is either over feeding him or underfeeding him.Since it fails to reliably feed my cat the correct portion size at specified times, its unusable. Will be looking for a new feeder. 2023-12-06 2024-04-08 17:40:07