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us Oculview B0CRVTPC7W R1WVI5IU53AOO6 Verified Purchase Reader 1.0 Very difficult and the app is terrible! The cameras feel like good quality, the solar panels work perfectly, it was easy to install. That's where it ends though! I paid for 4G to use without WiFi and I paid for cloud storage. There is a lag between a notification and the video posting, so although it says "view" on the video in notification, when you click on it the video just spins in darkness! Also, even though I have sensitivity on high, it doesn't pick many things up until it's pretty much out of view. It's a crap shoot as to whether the video will be sent to the cloud!Overall, I'm very disappointed in these and think about returning them every day. Support seems okay in that they answer the phone and speak english, but they don't really give clear answers , or are not trained on how best to explain fixes, and don't solve the problems. The app is the absolute worst and not user friendly at all! Very unorganized!The quality of pictures is very clear, but like I said, don't expect to capture some important things! I think the cameras would work better if the app worked and you could set it up properly! I don't recommend these. I wish I could. 相机感觉就像质量好,太阳能电池板正常工作,很容易安装。 那就是结束的地方! 我付了4G的付款,不用WiFi使用,我为云存储付费。 通知和视频发布之间存在滞后,因此,尽管它在通知中的视频中显示“视图”,但是当您单击视频时,视频只是在黑暗中旋转! 另外,即使我对高度的敏感性,直到它几乎看不见之前,它都不会捡起很多东西。 关于视频是否会被发送到云!总的来说,我对此感到非常失望,并考虑每天返回它们。 支持似乎还可以,因为他们接听电话并说英语,但他们并没有真正给出明确的答案,也没有接受如何最好地解释修复程序,也没有解决问题。 该应用程序绝对是最糟糕的,根本不是用户友好的! 非常无组织!图片的质量非常明显,但是就像我说的那样,不要期望捕捉一些重要的东西! 我认为,如果应用程序工作并且您可以正确设置相机,则相机会更好! 我不推荐这些。 我希望我能。 2024-06-25 2024-06-28 09:21:53