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us isYoung B0BR8WVYRQ R1B4BPJBC8URAG Lra13 3.0 Cool gift….short lived Purchased this in February…great gift, cool photos of birds. Support was great, now they are not responding. Our feeder went offline, rebooted router, as recommended, no change. Still trying to reach support. 2月份购买了这个……很棒的礼物,很酷的鸟儿照片。 支持很棒,现在他们没有回应。 我们的馈线脱机,根据建议,重新启动路由器,没有更改。 仍在尝试获得支持。 2024-05-19 2024-05-22 01:28:45
us isYoung B0BR8WVYRQ R2KE83G0L51FEZ Verified Purchase Beach Berries 1.0 Garbage, and no help to be found Setup was a pain. Not just the pairing but the physical aspect. I paid someone to mount it to a pole because I don't have tools plus I have arthritis in my hands. So, I invested money in this based on the seller's representation of the product and the reviews I read.It worked for about 2 weeks. I used a memory card and that seemed to go ok. The screw-opening load food mechanism is for the birds! Really, 2024 and we can't use a latch of some kind? I don't know about your house but mine has hungry birds who empty the feeder sometimes twice a day.The app is horrible and took a week to get the hang of. Some command labels are still a mystery.So about 3 weeks into this I started getting a 9999 retry error when I try to start the video. I removed the device and reconnected to the app to no avail. The battery is 98% and just charged. The internet connection works fine. Support won't respond to me in the app, through Amazon, or email. I wasted a lot of money on this item that I can't return because I'd have to pay someone to return to remove the birdhouse from the pole the instructions say to mount it to. This was not worth 2 weeks of being able to watch birds. I feel bamboozled. Amazon couldn't help me because I told them I can't get the item off the pole to send it back. What would be nice is some support and maybe a new camera if this one is a dud (when I was reconnecting it to the router it was making clunky clanking sounds.Never again. 设置很痛苦。 不仅是配对,而且是物理方面。 我付了某人将其安装到杆上,因为我没有工具,而且手中有关节炎。 因此,我根据卖方对产品的代表以及我阅读的评论进行了投资,这持续了大约2周。 我使用了存储卡,这似乎还可以。 螺丝开口的负载食品机构是针对鸟类的! 真的,2024年我们不能使用某种闩锁吗? 我不知道你的房子,但是我的饥饿的鸟儿有时每天两次清空喂食器。该应用程序可怕,花了一个星期才能掌握。 一些命令标签仍然是一个谜。因此,在此启动视频时,我开始遇到9999重试错误。 我卸下了设备并将其重新连接到该应用程序,无济于事。 电池为98%,刚刚充电。 互联网连接正常。 支持不会在应用程序,亚马逊或电子邮件中响应我。 我浪费了很多钱,我无法返回,因为我必须付钱给某人返回以将鸟屋从指示中说的杆子中删除。 这是不值得2周的观看鸟类的值。 我觉得很笨拙。 亚马逊忍不住帮助我,因为我告诉他们我无法将物品从杆子上拿回来。 如果这是一个傻瓜,那就很好的是一些支持,也许是新相机(当我将其重新连接到路由器时,它会发出笨拙的弯曲声音。 2024-05-26 2024-05-29 04:59:38
us isYoung B0BX66JJHL R3TDYDRUIJKLZ8 Verified Purchase Unhappy customer 1.0 5g This feeder will not work with 5G so it is worthless and you cannot get your money back. Do not buy it!! 该馈线将无法与5G一起使用,因此它毫无价值,您无法拿回钱。 不要买它! 2024-05-12 2024-05-14 13:36:59
us isYoung B0BX66JJHL R13N66KLDH1N5M Verified Purchase Sonia Bee 3.0 Raccoon chewed through external wire I had a lot of fun with this video feeder while it lasted. However, a hungry raccoon found its way to the feeder and after a few nights of absolute raccoon-ampages, the camera showed that it was disconnected. I was disappointed to discover that the dang raccoon swiveled the camera down and chewed off the external usb cable that connects the camera to the solar charger. Now I have a very expensive plain old bird feeder. I would complain about the design, but anyone who knows raccoons is well aware of how inventive those suckers are. Gotta respect the hustle.So I guess, a word of warning for those who have raccoons on their property - you may find that you wasted money on this nifty gadget. 持续的视频馈线我很开心。 然而,饥饿的浣熊发现了喂食器的道路,经过几个绝对的浣熊 - 放水,相机表明它已经断开了连接。 我很失望地发现,Dang浣熊将相机旋转并咀嚼了将相机连接到太阳能充电器的外部USB电缆。 现在,我有一个非常昂贵的普通老鸟喂食器。 我会抱怨设计,但是任何知道浣熊的人都非常了解这些吸盘的创造力。 因此,我想,对那些在财产上有浣熊的人警告的话 - 您可能会发现自己浪费了这个精美的小工具。 2024-05-14 2024-05-18 02:05:46
us isYoung B0BX66JJHL R307ZR68LOLB87 Verified Purchase Tom Whitcome 3.0 AI Bird Recognition is very inaccurate The AI bird recognition is a joke. It clearly just makes stuff up and is highly inaccurate. Common visitors to my bird feeder in western PA are House Finches. In a few days, the AI has "recognized" a House Finch as a House Finch, Purple Finch (not in my area of PA), Cassin's Finch (found in the mountains of North America), a Common Ground Dove (found in Central America, Florida and Texas), and a Rosey Faced Lovebird (found in Africa). Don't buy this if you are counting on the AI to provide any useful information. AI鸟的识别是个玩笑。 显然,它只是构成了一些东西,并且很不准确。 我在宾夕法尼亚州西部的喂鸟器的普通游客是雀科。 几天后,人工智能“认出”了房屋雀科作为房屋雀科,紫色的雀科(不在我所在的宾夕法尼亚州),卡辛的雀科(在北美的山上发现),这是一个共同的地面鸽子(在中部发现了 美国,佛罗里达州和德克萨斯州),以及玫瑰色的面对爱情鸟(在非洲发现)。 如果您依靠AI来提供任何有用的信息,请不要购买。 2024-05-23 2024-05-26 02:42:00
us isYoung B0BX66JJHL R1B2KW203S5MGZ Doyle B. 1.0 Didn’t last long I really tried to make this work, it took two of them to get going , the second one worked about a year then it stopped. I’m very unhappy. Now I’m back to feeding the birds in the driveway. 我真的试图完成这项工作,其中两个人才能开始,第二个工作大约一年,然后停止了。 我很不开心。 现在,我又回到了车道上的鸟类。 2024-05-30 2024-06-02 02:27:18
us isYoung B0C7GWVWPD RU4TL5552ENP3 Verified Purchase Ty Katsarelis 3.0 Odd instruction manual and privacy policy The instruction manual is littered with typos and nonsensical wording. It seems like it was translated and is unsettling to read. Also, the privacy policy on the app says they collect a ton of data. My mom already got bird watching related ads and recs on social media3 stars because the product seems to work fine but the tech is incredibly suspicious. 该指令手册中有错别字和荒谬的措辞。 看来它是被翻译的,并且令人不安的阅读。 此外,该应用程序上的隐私政策说他们收集了大量数据。 我妈妈已经在社交媒体3星上看到了观看相关的广告和recs,因为该产品似乎可以正常工作,但是技术非常可疑。 2024-05-14 2024-05-15 01:23:29
us isYoung B0CTM7YRDF R3C9L87C2VNQUJ CACPAC 3.0 Not easy directions It took a bit to get this setup, the directions are one size fits all type. The unit once setup responds to motion as needed, has an alarm for spooking off unwanted items and a voice speaker from phone microphone. 要进行此设置需要一点时间,指示为一个尺寸适合所有类型。 曾经设置的设备根据需要响应动作,有一个警报,以使手机麦克风从不必要的物品中吓到不需要的物品和语音扬声器。 2024-05-13 2024-06-06 12:12:54
us isYoung B0CTMS99FM RPCJJMW2NFMY7 Jack 1.0 Same bad design as other similar feeders of this type, leaks and does not deter bees If you want an expensive hummingbird feeder that leaks, and attracts and drowns bees, this one's for you. It leaks around the cylinder, so the nectar is just wasted, but worse is the huge draw for bees where the round cylinder meets the feeding tray.The advertising on the feeder flower is flat-out false. The flowers sent with the feeder do not have the sealing "cross" design that might prevent bees from crawling into the feeder and drowning, sometimes by the dozens until basically the feeder is plugged up with dead bees. The flowers sent are completely open. The cross design probably won't work anyway, as I've seen other reviews that say it puts the hummingbirds off from feeding.You'll find numerous companies offering this same bad hummingbird feeder design on Amazon, including those that say they've upgraded to fix some of the issues. As far as I can tell, they have not fixed the major problems of leaking and bee entry/death. It's a mystery to me why I see five-star reviews for these feeders. 如果您想要一个昂贵的蜂鸟喂食器泄漏,吸引和溺水蜜蜂,那么这是适合您的。 它在圆柱体周围泄漏,因此花蜜刚刚浪费,但更糟糕的是,对于蜜蜂来说,圆形圆柱体会遇到喂食托盘的巨大吸引力。 带有进料器发送的花朵没有密封的“交叉”设计,可能会阻止蜜蜂爬入喂食器并溺水,有时数十个,直到基本上用死蜜蜂塞满了喂食器。 发送的花完全开放。 十字设计可能无论如何都无法正常工作,正如我看到的其他评论所说的那样,它使蜂鸟无法喂食。您会发现许多在亚马逊上提供同样不好的蜂鸟喂食器设计的公司,包括那些说他们已经说过的公司 升级以解决一些问题。 据我所知,他们尚未解决泄漏和蜜蜂进入/死亡的主要问题。 这对我来说是一个谜,为什么我会看到这些喂食器的五星级评论。 2024-05-04 2024-06-06 12:28:13
us isYoung B0CTMS99FM R25FSQZL3WF89E Eric D. Brown 3.0 Great idea, but poor implementation This is a great idea but the implementation isn't good. The feeder moves in the wind, which causes the camera to 'start'. Over the period of about 5 hours I had 400 different videos with nothing on them. Needs to be less senstive. 这是一个好主意,但实施不好。 馈线在风中移动,这会导致相机“启动”。 在大约5个小时的时间里,我有400个不同的视频,其中一无所有。 需要减少参议员。 2024-05-11 2024-06-06 12:28:20