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us nooie B07PJ67CKC R1VRXPDRRVAA1F Verified Purchase D. Shah 1.0 Connectivity Keeps disconnecting. App has no option to update the firmware as advised by their team. Very poor. 保持断开连接。 应用程序无法按照其团队建议更新固件。 很差。 2024-05-06 2024-05-08 01:21:51
us nooie B07PJ67CKC RCI2C5I23YCJ2 Shruthi Patllola 3.0 Night vision is good, but do not receive notification if there is movement in the room As per the wall mount given, this camera is mounted on to the ceiling but once we mount the image is reversed. There is no way to fix it permanently. Also, I do not get any notifications of there is any movement.Shruthi 根据给定的壁挂式安装,该相机安装在天花板上,但是一旦我们安装,图像就会倒转。 没有办法永久修复它。 另外,我没有任何动作的通知。 2024-05-10 2024-05-13 02:35:03
us nooie B07PJ67CKC R389SF3KHFQ8RK Nicholas 1.0 Please DONT buy WiFi connected baby monitors. I was freshly postpartum with my first child and was hacked while I was changing my daughter and the camera was spinning 360 in circles over and over I called for my husband I asked is that you moving the camera?? And he called back NO?! that’s when I ran towards it in a panic and shut it off. KnowIf you buy this you’re opening the world up into your home add these predators can talk through these monitors so please I beg every parent stop buying WiFi connected cameras. One of the most traumatic things I’ve been through as small as this sounds it really just showed me howThe world is a very dark place.Protect your babies.It’s a big no for me. 我和我的第一个孩子一起崭露头角,当我换女儿时被黑客入侵,相机一遍又一遍地旋转360圈,我问我丈夫,我问你在移动相机吗? 他回电了吗? 那是我惊慌失措的时候,将其关闭。 知道如果您购买的话,就可以将世界开放到您的房屋中,添加这些掠食者可以通过这些监视器进行交谈,所以请每个父母停止购买WiFi连接的摄像头。 我经历过的最痛苦的事情之一听起来很小,它确实向我展示了世界是一个非常黑暗的地方。 2024-05-25 2024-05-27 06:21:56
us nooie B07PJ67CKC R1348D9FWFNOZA Verified Purchase Emma 1.0 Barely used it and it doesn’t work It was already slow and delayed and required us to keep logging into the app, so we barely used it as we live in a small home and our baby is a good sleeper. I started using it more this week as he’s getting older, and it won’t stream to my phone. I tried troubleshooting with their support, but everything they told me to check was working so that got me nowhere and they offered no solution after that. 它已经很慢,延迟了,要求我们继续登录该应用程序,因此当我们住在一个小房子里时,我们几乎没有使用它,而婴儿是一个很好的卧铺。 随着他的年龄增长,我本周开始使用更多,它不会流到我的手机上。 我尝试在他们的支持下进行故障排除,但是他们告诉我检查的一切都在起作用,因此我无处可寻,之后他们没有提供解决方案。 2024-05-29 2024-05-31 08:44:25
us nooie B08L9JYTQC R1CFE3E96PF32B Verified Purchase Romina Moncayo 2.0 Falla muchísimo Ha pasado unas 5 veces que daña y ahora ya llevo un mes q no funciona todo se ha dañado no puedo conectarme pese a q está encendida, ya la resetie ya le he hecho todo. Se dañó el audio se dañó el chanchito 损害赔偿的大约是5倍,现在我已经一个月了,因为一切都没有损坏,尽管如此,我仍无法连接,我已经完成了所有工作。 音频损坏了 2024-05-31 2024-06-02 05:21:43
us nooie B0BTM7BVVF R32A5YG3V11NBZ Verified Purchase Lovell zanders 2.0 Blind I don't recommend 我不建议 2024-05-12 2024-05-14 12:33:04