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us PSIER B0C5WPZC1L R30EUZSSVGEPN9 Verified Purchase Lucidiot 2.0 Good Design. Poor Quality. Because I used them for exercise, I really liked these headphones, primarily due to the physical control buttons including the ability to control the volume with the buttons. They were also comfortable to wear and otherwise effective. I say all of this in past tense because one of the charging pins in the case seems to have pushed in all the way or fallen out, I can't tell. So, one of the headphones no longer charges. I have rarely believed people saying in reviews that their product broke a few days after the return period. However, my last day to return was 7 days ago. Sad. I tried to capture the defective pin in the attached photo. You may also notice some fabric tape I applied to the edge of the case to make it easier to open. 因为我将它们用于锻炼,所以我真的很喜欢这些耳机,这主要是由于物理控制按钮,包括使用按钮控制音量的能力。 他们的穿着和效果也很舒适。 我说所有这些都在过去时,因为此案中的一个充电别针似乎一直在推动或掉下来,我不能说。 因此,其中一台耳机不再收费。 我很少相信人们在评论中说他们的产品在返回期后几天破裂。 但是,我的最后一天是7天前。 伤心。 我试图捕获附件照片中的有缺陷的别针。 您可能会注意到我在外壳边缘施加了一些织物胶带,以使其更容易打开。 2024-02-06 2024-02-10 06:35:57
us PSIER B0C5WPZC1L R3TKMMITYLPFOJ annqingwei 2.0 Fitting The overall sound is good with these, but the way to wear these started hurting my ear just a few minutes after. Returned these. 这些声音的整体声音都很好,但是穿这些衣服的方式就在几分钟后就开始伤害了我的耳朵。 返回这些。 2024-02-21 2024-02-23 04:45:44