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us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R34BL5R04C4FZO Verified Purchase Larry Shaw 2.0 The fit is not snug Every movement they are falling out of my ear 他们从我耳边掉出来的每一个动作 2023-09-03 2023-09-05 06:24:04
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R1NUR3SP994PHC Verified Purchase sandra butler 3.0 So far so good When i got them one side wasnt working. Using your troubleshooting technique I was able to fix them. Thank u 当我让他们一侧不起作用时。 使用您的故障排除技术,我能够修复它们。 感谢你 2023-09-05 2023-09-08 07:08:32
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R3H8C80OJUZNWE Nathan Erickson 2.0 not bad but not as good as described They aren't noise cancelling and they tend to slip out of your ears. I've tried the different earbud sizes but there is no significant improvement. The sound quality is good and the battery life is good but you get what you pay for. I just expected them to be noise cancelling because that's what they were advertised as. 它们不是降噪,并且倾向于从您的耳朵上滑出。 我尝试了不同的耳塞尺寸,但没有显着改进。 音质良好,电池寿命很好,但是您得到了所需的费用。 我只是期望他们会消除噪音,因为那是他们的广告。 2023-09-06 2023-09-09 11:19:58
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ RR3Z1HEHRSS8K Hien Ho 3.0 Ok The earbud is ok but the voice command when connected sound like it said the "f" word. 耳塞还可以,但是连接时的语音命令听起来像“ f”字。 2023-09-07 2023-09-10 10:52:00
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R1XDJR4P2YAH7D Verified Purchase Ian Gardner 2.0 Phone calls My most important reason for using ear buds is call and no one could hear me. So I returned them, otherwise the sould was good. 我使用耳芽的最重要原因是呼叫,没人能听到我的声音。 所以我把它们归还了,否则应该很好。 2023-09-09 2023-09-11 11:55:45
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R2SBKXYG1GNMT5 Keba-Gabriella Nelson 2.0 Falls out of my ears Sound quality is ok, but the ear plug was too big for me. 音质还可以,但是耳塞对我来说太大了。 2023-09-14 2023-09-16 07:07:20
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R1NVYQEZTP789D Verified Purchase Larry Doug Booth 3.0 Great for Listening but a terrible microphone The headphones work great for listening to calls, podcasts, music, etc. I'm very impressed with the bass and audio. It's great value for that use case.But! the microphone is terrible. During calls the other party basically can't hear me, I setup my phone's voicemail message with this microphone and the audio quality (with full cell reception) is 1/10. My phone's speakerphone is better.So these are half useful, good value for the price, but look around more if your primary use is phone or video calls. 耳机非常适合收听电话,播客,音乐等。低音和音频给我留下了深刻的印象。 对于那种用例,这是很大的价值。 麦克风很糟糕。 在通话中,另一方基本上看不到我,我用这个麦克风设置了手机的语音邮件消息,音频质量(带有完整的电池接收)为1/10。 我的手机的扬声器手机更好。因此,这些价格有用的一半,对价格的价值良好,但是如果您的主要用途是电话或视频通话,请更多地环顾四周。 2023-09-13 2023-09-16 07:07:53
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R1LHZB5PTW4O56 Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 3.0 Decent sound, goofy controls, doesnt stay in ears well The little charging case is pretty decent. Uses magnets to keep it closed so no worry about a tiny latch breaking.The actual sound quality is okay. About what I expected.The things dont stay in my ears well. This isnt a problem Ive experienced with ear buds before. I tried all 3 of the supplied silicone in-ear adapters but none of them keep them in my ears. I think part of the fault is due to the adapters being very smooth silicone material. Not a huge deal if Im just sitting on a chair listening to something, but just walking around or moving my head quickly is enough to make them fall out constantly.The little push control that is the whole face of the ear bud sucks, partially because the buds kept falling out, so Id push them back in my ears and either raise the volume or skip forward or back or whatever. Very annoying.Overall theyre okay, but I wouldnt buy again because of the difficulty I had keeping them in my ears. 小充电案例非常不错。 使用磁铁将其关闭,因此不必担心破碎的闩锁破裂。实际的声音质量是可以的。 关于我所期望的。事情不能很好地保持在我耳边。 这不是我以前对耳芽经历的问题。 我尝试了所有3个提供的硅胶入耳式适配器,但没有一个将它们放在我的耳朵中。 我认为部分故障是由于适配器是非常光滑的硅胶材料所致。 如果我只是坐在椅子上听东西,但是只要四处走动或迅速移动我的头就足以使它们不断掉下来,这没什么大不了的。 芽不断掉下来,因此ID将它们推回我的耳朵,然后提高音量或跳过向前或向后或其他任何东西。 他们很烦人。他们还可以,但是我不会再买了,因为我把它们放在耳朵里的困难。 2023-09-18 2023-09-20 04:58:43
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ R2YNIMZACMJ2P3 Verified Purchase John B. 2.0 Broke in less than 2 months They were working great, the sound quality is really good. But at 2 months, one of the earbuds lost the little metal insert that allows you to charge it. Once battery ran down no way to charge again. I guess the electronics are good but the build quality suffered. 他们工作得很好,音质真的很好。 但是在2个月的时间里,其中一个耳塞丢失了小金属插入物,使您可以充电。 电池电量后,无法再次充电。 我猜电子设备很好,但构建质量却遭受了损失。 2023-09-23 2023-09-26 08:12:54
us PSIER B0BYDJGTYZ RSF04N5CD3BQ6 Verified Purchase Aaron Thompkins 2.0 I've had better! I love the sound quality but the battery life is horrible. I had a pair of earbuds that I only had to charge once a week so to have to charge these so frequently sucks. 我喜欢声音质量,但电池寿命很恐怖。 我有一双耳塞,每周只需要一次充电,因此必须经常收取这些费用。 2023-09-28 2023-10-01 06:14:21