站点 : us 抓取月份:2023-08


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us Ctronics B0BXSM3Q6T RBV1PMI2WSM93 Verified Purchase Joe Anderson 2.0 Not bad It's not a terrible camera for the price. But customer service isn't great. The app isn't great and the alarm CONSISTENTLY goes off. Like every second because I have a tree that moves when the wind blows. Not much you can expect for the price with all the features it has. I'm not sure if I would buy their more expensive cameras souly due to lack of customer support. But it's not bad. If you're on a budget I would recommend it. Otherwise save up, do research, and read customer reviews 价格不是可怕的相机。 但是客户服务不是很好。 该应用程序不好,警报始终响起。 像每一秒一样,因为我有一棵树在风吹时移动。 您的所有功能都无法期望价格。 我不确定是否由于缺乏客户支持,我是否会购买他们更昂贵的相机。 但这还不错。 如果您的预算有限,我会建议您使用它。 否则保存,进行研究并阅读客户评论 2023-08-20 2023-08-23 03:05:50
us Ctronics B0BXSM3Q6T R2L62BU9G0GC1H Verified Purchase 这个摄像头晚上上面那个都看不见下面这个还行状态来看还有很多以点 1.0 上面那个晚上要是可以看见的话那还行 2023-08-29 2023-09-02 05:01:07