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us Amazon Renewed B0BW2GV3MB R24IUTS3MOD3F0 Verified Purchase Jen Lager 1.0 Description and pictures are misleading. I’m always happy to buy refurbished, however these did not come as advertised. Pictures showed they came with a case and a charging cord. I did not take time to read reviews so it’s my fault for not seeing how misleading the product was. It’s very frustrating to receive incomplete products that cannot be used without further purchases (in this case, the charging cable). Posting pictures of the product without warning that they aren’t included is wasting everyone’s time. 我总是很乐意购买翻新,但是这些并没有像宣传那样来。 图片显示,它们带有箱子和充电线。 我没有花时间阅读评论,所以我没有看到该产品有多误导是我的错。 如果没有进一步购买的情况(在这种情况下,是充电电缆),收到无法使用的不完整产品是非常令人沮丧的。 在不包括其中包括的情况下发布产品的图片是浪费所有人的时间。 2024-01-22 2024-05-18 10:11:05
us Amazon Renewed B0BW2GV3MB RDX4333ROVUDT Verified Purchase robin giltmier 1.0 Ear phones They stopped working already. Got for Xmas & it’s now January 5th 🤬🥰 他们已经停止工作了。 获得圣诞节,现在是1月5日🤬🥰 2024-01-05 2024-05-18 10:11:05
us Amazon Renewed B0BW2GV3MB R2XXCB2QGC8QHV Verified Purchase marymery 3.0 No charger or case? I did not like the fact that it didn’t come with a charger or case. I bought 2 of them but overall it works. 我不喜欢它没有带有充电器或案件的事实。 我买了其中的2个,但总体上有效。 2024-01-07 2024-05-18 10:12:35