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us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 RJMKHKX5C9FJP Verified Purchase Bob Ferret 1.0 Trash item. Missing parts. No bowl, no lid, no cable or plug. Nothing but disappointment. I'm returning it for another one, hopefully one that isn't thrashed like this one. Time will tell. I'll revisit the review of I ever get a full product. 没有碗,没有盖子,没有电缆或塞子。 只不过是失望。 我要把它归还另一个,希望那个没有像这样的人。 时间会证明。 我将重新审查我曾经获得完整产品的评论。 2024-04-05 2024-04-07 02:23:41
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 RHSII9X6D53A2 Verified Purchase Laynie Carney 2.0 Just an okay automatic feeder Overall it’s decent and easy to set up. If you have a decently smart cat I wouldn’t recommend tho. After a couple of weeks of using it my cat has figured out the buttons, gotten it to dispense more, and moved the time it’s supposed to feed him. I feel like it would’ve been a lot better if the buttons were on the back or on top. 总体而言,它体面易于设置。 如果您有一只聪明的猫,我不建议您。 使用了几个星期后,我的猫已经弄清楚了按钮,将其放到更多的地方,然后移动了应该给他喂养的时间。 我觉得如果按钮在后面或顶部,情况会好多了。 2024-04-07 2024-04-10 00:26:56
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R2D93BU356DQNI Verified Purchase mikeC 1.0 Not reliable I've been trying this for 4 days and it's worked for 2 of 8 meals. Not sure why it just fails but this red exclamation means it didn't work. I got this so that I could leave my dog on short weekend trips and ensure he is still fed, but it's turning out to be more complicated then just giving him a scoop twice per day. If I try to depend on this, I might not have a dog when I get back from a trip.I'm using brand new batteries, and my dog is a Chihuahua mix, so his food kernels are very small. 我已经尝试了4天了,它已经用了8顿饭中的2顿饭。 不知道为什么它只是失败,但是这种红色感叹曲意味着它不起作用。 我明白了,这样我就可以在短周末旅行中留下我的狗,并确保他仍然被喂食,但是事实证明这更复杂,然后每天给他两次勺。 如果我试图依靠这一点,当我从旅行中回来时,我可能没有狗。我使用全新的电池,而我的狗是奇瓦瓦的混合物,所以他的食物内核很小。 2024-04-09 2024-04-11 01:13:30
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R18FGM8YAHW33W Veronica 1.0 Stopped working After 5 months it stopped working. I didn't know when my cat was so clingy and begging for food for 2 days but it was because it stopped dispensing food. Waste of money 5个月后,它停止工作。 我不知道我的猫何时如此贴心和乞求食物2天,但这是因为它停止了分发食物。 浪费钱 2024-04-10 2024-04-12 02:09:20
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R3I6BF44QTZF2A Verified Purchase AG 3.0 It’s so loud!!!! Scares the life out of everyone when it dispenses the food. Operates as advertised 分配食物时,都会吓到每个人的生活。 按照广告作用 2024-04-09 2024-04-12 02:09:54
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R22D0F1H2LV8WP Verified Purchase John 1.0 Pitpet Smart Dispensor Dispensor will keep resetting the displayed time which makes it useless. 分配器将不断重置显示的时间,这使其无用。 2024-04-11 2024-04-14 02:10:24
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 RSBUAB5407B7E Verified Purchase Theland E. 3.0 programming Programming way to complicated and excessive. 编程方式,使其复杂和过度。 2024-04-12 2024-04-15 01:59:32
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R3FMBCVVWRL0GM Verified Purchase Sheelu 2.0 Not a smart feeder - no app - should be called an automated feeder Misleading title. There's no app so it's not actually a smart feeder. I would have purchased one with an app for the price. 误导性标题。 没有应用程序,因此实际上不是智能馈线。 我会以价格购买一个应用程序。 2024-04-12 2024-04-16 01:05:15
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R6W4YL50NBKKM Verified Purchase Kindle Customer 1.0 Clock didn't work. I had to return this item because the clock did not work. My cat would go hours and hours without getting any food while I was at work. 我不得不返回此项目,因为时钟不起作用。 我上班时我的猫会花几个小时而没有得到任何食物。 2024-04-15 2024-04-18 01:48:44
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 RWCYEPSELDTIR Melissa Hubbell 2.0 Lasted 4 months and quit This was great while it lasted as it stopped working after 4 short months! 这很棒,因为它持续了4个月后停止工作! 2024-04-16 2024-04-19 02:16:19
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 RYAFQB808RQ1V Verified Purchase Anita 1.0 Feeder blades go limp The product worked great for almost a year and then the blades that push the food through went limp (seem like soft silicone) now and will not push the food through. 该产品运行近一年,然后将食物推到li行的叶片(看起来像柔软的硅胶),并且不会推动食物。 2024-04-17 2024-04-20 00:41:10
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R1C3ESARFMV6S5 Verified Purchase Drbotts 1.0 Cat Feeder? Or Golden Corral All-You-Can-Eat Buffet In the first few days my daughter’s tiny little cat knocked this over in seconds. This is not a big cat, this is a juvenile kitten. And in seconds, he jumped onto the feeder and knocked it over, and all his food. The lid has no lock and no mechanism to prevent this.NOT a good design. 在最初的几天里,我女儿的小猫在几秒钟内将其击倒。 这不是一只大猫,这是一只少年小猫。 几秒钟后,他跳到喂食器上,将其撞倒了,他的所有食物。 盖子没有锁,也没有防止这种方法的机制。 2024-04-19 2024-04-21 02:12:21
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R34NSE9QNJAKZ Verified Purchase nicole 1.0 Keeps Jamming It keeps jamming. Just had it about 2 months but not reliable for food to come out when it’s supposed to. 它一直在干扰。 只有大约2个月的时间,但在应该吃的时候就不可靠。 2024-04-18 2024-04-21 02:12:21
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R2AZDML6XZD17G Verified Purchase Fallon Holloway 3.0 Food doesn't completely fall out I got the timer set fine, and it's a pretty product. But my issue is that the food doesn't totally clear the chute and collects in the chute instead of falling into the bowl. 我的计时器设置正常,这是一个漂亮的产品。 但是我的问题是,食物不能完全清除斜槽并在斜槽中收集而不是掉进碗中。 2024-04-18 2024-04-21 02:15:30
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R1CJ3DQADMXXCF Verified Purchase Sarah Jones 1.0 Only worked for a month Was working just fine for a while but then the time would randomly mess up and be minutes or even hours ahead on certain days and randomly change back to the correct time without me messing with it. The only time I would change the time intentionally was for daylight savings 工作良好一段时间,但是时间会随机弄乱,在某些日子提前几分钟甚至数小时,然后随机更改回正确的时间而不会弄乱它。 我唯一有意改变时间是为了节省日光 2024-04-21 2024-04-24 10:26:12
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R3705EVNY92BCJ Verified Purchase Sarah 1.0 This product almost cost my cats life and me $4500 I purchased your product for my cat Aspen about a year ago and I loved it! However, she started vomiting and not eating and I wasn’t sure what was going on. After taking her to the veterinarian and doing several tests, it was found that she had a small bowel obstruction. She needed immediate surgery and she was at risk of dying. The testing and emergent surgery cost me 4,500 dollars. After the surgery it was found that she swallowed one of the pieces off of your product. She swallowed the rubber piece that is placed underneath the feeder. She could have choked and died on the spot, and again this caused her to have a bowel obstruction and required emergent surgery which also comes with extreme risks. This situation caused me extreme stress, anxiety, the fear of losing my pet, having to call out of work, and losing out on pay to take her to the emergency room. This was also a very expensive bill that I can’t afford to pay for. Your product almost cost my best friend's life. I have since stopped using your product and am warning others to think twice before using your product. There is no contact information that I was able to find for the company. I am asking for your company to do the right thing and please contact me back regarding what can be done regarding this very serious situation. Thank you. 大约一年前,我为我的猫阿斯彭(Cat Aspen)购买了您的产品,我喜欢它! 但是,她开始呕吐而不吃东西,我不确定发生了什么。 将她带到兽医并进行了几次测试后,发现她的肠梗阻很小。 她需要立即进行手术,并且有死亡的危险。 测试和紧急手术的费用为我4,500美元。 手术后,发现她吞下了您产品中的一块。 她吞下了放置在喂食器下面的橡胶块。 她本可以当场cho住并死亡,这再次导致她患有肠梗阻,需要紧急手术,这也带来了极端风险。 这种情况导致我极大的压力,焦虑,害怕失去宠物,不得不召集工作,并失去薪水将她带到急诊室。 这也是我买不起的非常昂贵的账单。 您的产品几乎损失了我最好的朋友的生活。 此后,我停止使用您的产品,并警告其他人在使用您的产品之前三思而后行。 我无法找到该公司的联系信息。 我要求您的公司做正确的事情,并请与我联系,以了解这种非常严重的情况。 谢谢。 2024-04-23 2024-04-26 02:09:50
us Pitpet B0BRJVZBF8 R2AT5WB2AS35G6 Verified Purchase Kathryn Montgomery 1.0 DO NOT BUY - Motor seized up after 6 weeks, customer service non-responsive This thing was a dream come true while it worked. We are busy with two careers and two kids and were either feeding the food twice, or not at all. However, after 6 weeks it stopped dispensing food. Says it has a 1-year warranty so I reached out to the seller. They requested pictures. Provided the pictures above and nothing. Have reached out to the multiple times since and they will not respond. Do not waste your time or money on this product. Go with another seller and brand. 这件事是梦想成真。 我们忙于两个职业和两个孩子,要么两次喂食,要么根本不喂食。 但是,经过6周后,它停止了分发食物。 说它有1年的保修,所以我与卖方联系。 他们要求图片。 提供了上面的图片,什么也没有。 从那以后,已经多次接触,他们不会做出回应。 不要在此产品上浪费时间或金钱。 与另一个卖家和品牌一起去。 2024-04-27 2024-04-30 06:32:10