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us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R5CUB49I1J8S Verified Purchase Kayleigh 1.0 Painful Incredibly painful of you have a smaller ear. I can't wear them for longer than 30 minutes without not being able to stand it anymore. 令人难以置信的痛苦,你们的耳朵较小。 我不能在没有无法忍受的情况下穿超过30分钟。 2024-03-01 2024-03-04 04:00:17
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RDLUDJR1BSHVJ Verified Purchase Chris 2.0 already needs to be replaced I used these for work, im in construction. they were purchased August 21st 2023 and the left one is already broken. I think it was from sweat, because I didnt even drop them once. idk for a hundred bucks I really thought they were gonna last longer then 5 months and honestly I only used them 3 to 4 times a week. when it comes to Samsung I love their TV's but out of a fridge a washing machine and now some earbuds, not that great. 我在施工中使用了这些工作。 它们被购买了2023年8月21日,左侧已经被打破了。 我认为这是从汗水中,因为我什至没有丢下一次。 IDK花了一百美元,我真的以为它们会持续5个月,老实说,我每周只使用3至4次。 当谈到三星时,我喜欢他们的电视,但是从冰箱中拿出洗衣机,现在有一些耳塞,不是那么好。 2024-03-01 2024-03-04 04:01:50
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R190ZBH6KJ7X6I Verified Purchase Brian 3.0 Its Ok Battery life is pretty short , it last arround 3h 电池寿命很短,最后3H 2024-03-01 2024-03-04 04:05:29
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R15TYS855XZA7N Verified Purchase LoupGaRoo 3.0 Battery life could be better Bought these for my wife to go with her Samsung phone and she is always saying they die faster than hey old ones and has also had issues with them not connecting. 给我的妻子买了这些东西,可以和她的三星手机一起去,她总是说它们比嘿旧的电话快死了,而且他们的问题也没有连接。 2024-03-02 2024-03-05 05:48:40
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RHL7ZR0T3UB42 Verified Purchase Mike 2.0 Features locked behind awful app Sound quality is fine but really relies entirely on active noise cancellation. Unfortunately, in order to access the *controls* for that noise cancellation, you must consent to Samsung:-Reading your contacts-Reading your call log-Reading your calendar-Sending you every kind of spam notification that it feels like-And more!And if you go back and revoke any of that access, the app will FORCE CLOSE ITSELF and refuse to start up again until you turn it back on.The silver lining is that it seems to default to ANC being on out of the box, but if you ever wanted to use passthrough and you don't want to install spyware on your phone it's basically false advertising to include that as a feature. 声音质量很好,但确实完全依赖于主动消除噪声。 不幸的是,为了访问 *控件 *以取消噪声,您必须同意三星: - 阅读联系人 - 阅读您的呼叫log-log-read-reader tour-gread read hertent your thenter tour term tour thenter tour thenter tour then tem tem spam plapam通知,这是感觉就像 - 还有更多! 而且,如果您返回并撤销任何访问权限,该应用程序将强制关闭自身并拒绝再次启动直到您重新打开。 如果您想使用PassThrough,并且不想在手机上安装间谍软件,则基本上是错误的广告,将其包括在内。 2024-03-05 2024-03-07 03:52:12
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R3E8VXUNXVKDN0 Ahren M. Bonnema 1.0 Features don't work, Samsung doesn't stand by them Find my feature only works when the case is open. WTH? In ear detection is faulty and disables transparency and noise canceling. Attempting to reach out to Samsung appears impossible. I was so excited for these but lost them 3 times already amd can't use features when I'm running. Should have just got some basic amazon cheapos as all the extra features are basically useless. 找到我的功能仅在打开情况时起作用。 wth? 在耳朵检测中是错误的,可以禁用透明度和降噪。 试图与三星接触似乎是不可能的。 我为这些感到非常兴奋,但在跑步时已经失去了3次AMD无法使用功能。 应该刚刚得到一些基本的亚马逊便宜人,因为所有额外功能基本上都是没有用的。 2024-03-06 2024-03-08 05:27:16
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2F5YG5VMGGS7O Verified Purchase E.B. 1.0 Does not stay in my ears They do not stay in my ears while I’m working. It came with three different size foams I’ve tried them all and nothing works. 我工作时他们不会留在我的耳边。 它带有三种不同尺寸的泡沫,我尝试了所有这些泡沫,没有任何可行的泡沫。 2024-03-06 2024-03-08 05:27:16
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1S44I1UFLWGY3 Bookwyrm 1.0 Intentionally faulty I bought two pairs, the right earbud went out in both of them after a year. Definitely a scam to make you have to buy a replacement, because they even faded out the same way, after the same amount of time. 我买了两双,一年后,右耳塞都在他们的两对中出去了。 绝对是一个骗局,使您必须购买替代品,因为它们甚至在相同的时间之后甚至以相同的方式褪色。 2024-03-08 2024-03-10 04:35:23
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1UX9J1JSRWCI5 Verified Purchase BOBLIN 2.0 No Warranty One bud cannot charge out of sudden.I sent the Buds to official Samsung repair center in the U.S. They said this product is out of warranty because it's a international model.I wonder if the seller can give me a replacement! 一个芽无法突然收费。我将芽送往美国的官方三星维修中心,他们说该产品不在保修中,因为这是一种国际型号。我想知道卖方是否可以给我一个替代品! 2024-03-07 2024-03-10 06:05:49
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R32AS2HGXC0QXB Verified Purchase Eduardo H. 3.0 I like it but can't recommend Bought these as a portable replacement for my bose QC35. I like the headphones so far. Two issues are the call quality and the lack of multipoint pairing, which I never faced with the 5 years old QC35.In every phone call I've had I've been told that I cannot be heard and have to switch audio from the buds to my phone. Also the lack of multipoint pairing is a huge pain; having to reconnect when I switch devices is much more inconvenient than I would have thought with my old headphones.I will keep the headphones because I think it still works for my usecase, listening to my phone during commute or travel. I have been able to easily connect to my laptop, desktop, and Nintendo Switch, but the lack of multipoint pairing means I probably won't switch between devices often. 购买这些作为我的Bose QC35的便携式替代品。 到目前为止,我喜欢耳机。 有两个问题是通话质量和缺乏多点配对,我从来没有面对过5年历史的QC355。在我被告知我无法听到的每个电话中,我都必须从芽中切换音频 到我的电话。 另外,缺乏多点配对也是一个巨大的痛苦。 当我旋转设备时必须重新连接比我对旧耳机的想法更加不便。我会保留耳机,因为我认为它仍然适用于我的用户酶,在通勤或旅行中听我的手机。 我已经能够轻松地连接到笔记本电脑,台式机和任天堂开关,但是缺乏多点配对意味着我可能不会经常在设备之间切换。 2024-03-08 2024-03-10 06:07:22
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RS61DGVHX6VCC Tim Guy 1.0 Worst Headphones Ever The headphones dont respond well with touch commands. If you have airpods its going to be hard to go to these. The double tap doesn't work wellAlso there is nickel in these headphones. If you are allergic like me, you will have an maybe an infected ear. I tried to get this fixed by Samsung support, but they are the worse customer support i ever worked with, worse then telecom. If I could sue these people for the ear infection i have, I would. 耳机对触摸命令的响应不佳。 如果您有Airpods,那么很难去这些。 双击不起作用,这些耳机中有镍。 如果您像我一样过敏,那么您可能会有感染的耳朵。 我试图通过三星的支持来解决这一问题,但它们是我与之合作的更糟糕的客户支持,比电信更糟。 如果我能起诉这些人的耳朵感染,我会的。 2024-03-10 2024-03-12 03:59:50
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R8UQJ3WIEPSBW Verified Purchase Arealdingus 1.0 Right bud makes buzzing noise when noise cancelling active They are great except the right bud seems to have broken noise cancelling it buzzes loudly 它们很棒,除了合适的芽似乎断断续续地消除了嗡嗡声,大声嗡嗡作响 2024-03-09 2024-03-12 03:59:50
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R19K47CP5YTAQF Verified Purchase unknown 1.0 Wind Noise Is INSANE I had the Galaxy buds 2 and decided to upgrade and it was a huge downgrade! These have a weird ring all the time, the wind noise on a bike was so loud with or without the noise cancelling. Wouldn't recommend 我有Galaxy Buds 2,决定升级,这是一个巨大的降级! 这些都有一个奇怪的戒指,自行车上的风噪声很大,有或没有噪音消除。 不建议 2024-03-11 2024-03-13 04:44:10
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1R811Y5EC3NW0 Verified Purchase joseph hartley 1.0 Samsung won't honor warranty This product didn't last a full year and Samsung will not honor the warranty because it is an international model 该产品没有持续一年,三星将不尊重保修,因为它是国际模型 2024-03-10 2024-03-13 04:44:10
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1LBZH7HXMJ7CZ Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 1.0 Tinnitus Simulator Imagine having this embedded inside of your ear! Thank you so much Samsung! 想象一下将其嵌入到您的耳朵内! 非常感谢三星! 2024-03-13 2024-03-15 01:57:11
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RDM146PFOIBZC Verified Purchase Taybor J. 1.0 Clearly not the Sold in the USA version Appears to be NEW in good working order. But packaging appears to be for a Arabic market and probably not the for sale in USA version. 似乎是新的工作状况。 但是包装似乎是用于阿拉伯市场的,可能不是美国版本的待售。 2024-03-11 2024-03-15 01:57:11
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1HH0KYXK1FPB9 Verified Purchase Donald McCubbin 2.0 Noisy in any wind Nice sounding.Cons:-- really noisy in the wind-- they fell out a couple of times, which is really annoying in the woods! 听起来不错。cons: - 真的很吵 - 他们掉了几次,这在树林里真的很烦人! 2024-03-13 2024-03-15 01:58:16
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R18IU5LR8IV3WX Verified Purchase E. Barren 3.0 They do not stay in ear long enough. Sound quality is great... nothing not to like about these EXCEPT THAT THEY DONT STAY IN YOUR EAR!!!You will find yourself consistently pushing them back in your ear... too much movement and they will fall out. I tried all ear adjustments, nothing works 声音质量很棒...除了它们不留在您的耳朵里外,没有什么不喜欢的!!!您会发现自己始终如一地将它们推回到您的耳朵中...动作太多了,它们会掉下来。 我尝试了所有耳朵调整,没有任何可用 2024-03-13 2024-03-15 01:58:18
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2LA3R8HF50JC8 Verified Purchase Joseph C. Acosta 1.0 Not worth upgrade from buds pro Same issues on the fit says was better but slips more than the original buds pro prefer those than the buds 2 pro not much of a difference on sound quality and not able to set ambient mode to low or high like the buds pro the only option for ambient mode on buds pro 2 is on and off so that's a down grade there in its self 拟合的同样问题说的更好,但是比原始的芽派比原始的芽更喜欢那些比buds 2 pro更喜欢声音质量的差异很大,并且无法像Buds Pro一样将环境模式设置为低或高的差异,这是唯一的选择 Buds pro 2上的环境模式在打开和关闭,所以这是其自我的下降等级 2024-03-13 2024-03-16 01:21:10
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF REZXM6K8EVD6G Verified Purchase Digital Love 3.0 No Greenish Hue for Gray Color, as pictured. The primary picture for the posting I bought shows a greenish hue (attached), but the second picture shows black.I received them alright, and everything else seems fine, but I would have bought a different color or item, if I knew that there was no green hue.Dishonest posting, that I hope gets corrected soon. Subtracting stars for this. 我购买的帖子的主要图片显示出绿色的色调(附件),但第二张图片显示了黑色。 我希望很快得到纠正,这不是绿色的色调。 为此减去星星。 2024-03-13 2024-03-16 02:08:59
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1WO8ECCBM36C Verified Purchase brandon pono 3.0 Music sounds great, noise cancellation is non-existent. There are much cheaper Samsung earbuds that provide much better noise cancellation. These do not do that. However the sound on them for listening to music and for phone calls is excellent. But just make sure there's no noise in the background. 三星耳塞可提供更好的消除噪音。 这些不这样做。 但是,他们听音乐和电话的声音非常好。 但是,只需确保背景中没有噪音即可。 2024-03-14 2024-03-17 02:34:34
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R36DS2XCNTU5VP Verified Purchase JK 2.0 Dud Buds These buds won't connect to my phone and I've tried everything. Fake! 这些芽不会连接到我的手机,我已经尝试了所有内容。 伪造的! 2024-03-16 2024-03-19 00:51:04
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2VVJGAAB81Y8X Verified Purchase Matthew Wint 1.0 Trash I lost my pair of galaxy buds+ and I figured the newest model would be much better, shocking that they are far worse than the buds+. The sound is super low, there is no bass whatsoever. Since there are no wingtips, the headphones don't sit comfortably in my ear. They've fallen out of my ear too many times, while the buds+ never did. If you're considering these and you've had the buds+, just move on to something else. I can't believe how much worse these were than an older model. 我丢失了一对银河芽+,我认为最新型号会更好,令人震惊的是它们比芽+差得多。 声音超低,没有任何低音。 由于没有翅膀,因此耳机不会舒适地坐在我的耳边。 他们已经从我的耳朵里掉了很多次,而芽+从未做过。 如果您正在考虑这些,并且已经有了Buds+,请继续进行其他内容。 我不敢相信这些比较旧的模型差得多。 2024-03-17 2024-03-20 00:57:56
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RH5KZQJ9GW98K Justin 2.0 Frustrating experience This is arguably the worst pair of earbuds I have purchased in regards to fit- the right earbud frequently needs re-adjusted to help prevent falling out, even if I am doing minimal activity like sitting, let alone talking or working out. This is a shame because the first Samsun Galaxy earbuds I purchased fit great (the only reason why I purchased a new set is because the right earbud's volume stopped working and I could barely hear out of it).Whenever Windows gets updated, this tends to result in frequent static and the earbuds not connecting to Zoom, GoogleMeet correctly.The noise cancelling is great, though.I would not purchase again. 可以说,这是我为适应的最糟糕的耳塞 - 右耳塞经常需要重新调整以防止掉下来,即使我做的很少的活动(例如坐着,更不用说说话或锻炼)。 这很遗憾,因为我购买的第一个Samsun Galaxy耳塞很合适(我购买了新套装的唯一原因是,右耳塞的音量停止了工作,我几乎无法听到它。 导致频繁静态,耳塞未连接到Zoom,正确地googlemeet。不过,取消噪声很棒。我不会再购买。 2024-03-17 2024-03-20 00:59:26
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1J7RPQCBHZPOK Verified Purchase Comanche 7 1.0 DO NOT BUY IF YOU HAVE SMALL EARS Left side is the new, fat, thick buds. Right side is my previous Samsung Galaxy buds 2 (first Gen). I do have small ears but have never had an issue with headphones in my life until now. I am a Samsung guru! TVs, multiple galaxy phones, watch, and this is my 2nd pair of buds. So utterly disappointed at how fat and shallow they are. They literally will not stay in my ears and won't recognize being in my ears to answer calls or switch to ambient sound. Tried running 3 miles and had to just keep shoving them back in over and over. Very disappointed and am returning them. Loved my original buds they fit perfect. I tried every rubber fitting from my old buds AND the new buds box. Not sure how others with small ears or teenagers could use these... 左侧是新的,胖,厚的芽。 右侧是我以前的三星星系芽2(第一代)。 我的耳朵确实很小,但直到现在,我的生活中从未有任何耳机。 我是三星大师! 电视,多台星系手机,手表,这是我的第二双芽。 他们对它们的脂肪和浅层感到非常失望。 从字面上看,他们不会留在我的耳朵里,也不会意识到我的耳朵里接听电话或切换到环境声音。 尝试跑步3英里,只需要一遍又一遍地将它们推回去即可。 非常失望,正在返回他们。 爱我的原始芽它们非常完美。 我尝试了我的旧芽和新芽盒中的所有橡胶配件。 不确定别人有小耳朵或青少年如何使用这些... 2024-03-18 2024-03-21 00:42:54
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R22252SKGZFDV2 Verified Purchase TurkNY 1.0 Not Meant for the USA These came with items missing out of the package, but my main gripe is that these were meant to be for middle eastern region. which is not specified anywhere on the description. 这些带有包装中缺少的物品,但我的主要困扰是这些物品是为了中东地区。 描述上未指定的任何位置。 2024-03-18 2024-03-21 00:42:54
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RJU3JBWNBCKUV Verified Purchase Jack Chan 1.0 BROKEN I bought these headphones, and after a while I started to hear a high pitched beep when I pressed the left earphone, very annoying. It's not my fault, it's the product's fault I'm 100% sure. 我买了这些耳机,一段时间后,当我按下左耳机时,我开始听到高音蜂鸣声,这非常烦人。 这不是我的错,我100%肯定是产品的错。 2024-03-16 2024-03-21 00:42:54
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R3C4LNV77OTS75 Verified Purchase V 1.0 If I could give this 0 stars I would. Genuinely overpriced and overhyped.After all the research I put into these earbuds I was hoping for something better than my Raycons since reddit was adamant that Raycons are overpriced garbage, and somehow these are worse than the earbuds that are labelled a "cheap Chinese upsell". If you want to take the chance hoping for something better like me then go right ahead, but in my honest opinion Raycons are by far the better option for several reasons.1. The range of these earbuds are worse than Raycons, they cut out a lot quicker when my Raycons didn't, especially behind closed doors.2. These earbuds are insanely uncomfortable and genuinely actually painful to wear for long periods of time.3. Double-tap features do not work, and adjusting the earbuds due to how uncomfortable they are just results in an accidental input. At least with Raycons there's an actual button you can press in order to access all of the hands-free features. Why people have settled on the 'touch sensitive' route is beyond me.4. For all of these drawbacks, the increase in audio quality from Raycons to the Buds Pro 2 is barely noticeable if not non-existent.Conclusion: Don't listen to reddit. Just buy Raycons. 在我对这些耳塞进行的所有研究之后,我希望能比雷克斯更好的东西,因为Reddit坚称雷克斯(Raycons)是价格过高的垃圾,而这些垃圾比以某种方式比“廉价中国贵族”标记为“廉价中国上涨”的耳机要差,所以我希望能比我的雷克斯更好。 。 如果您想抓住机会,希望像我这样的更好的东西,那就继续前进,但是,我诚实的意见雷康是迄今为止更好的选择,这是有几个原因的。1。 这些耳塞的范围比雷克斯差,当我的雷克斯没有,尤其是在闭门后面,它们会更快地切出。2。 这些耳塞非常不舒服,实际上长时间穿着疼痛。3。 双击功能不起作用,并且由于多么不舒服而导致意外输入,因此调整耳塞。 至少使用Raycons有一个实际按钮,您可以按下以访问所有免提功能。 为什么人们在“触摸敏感”路线上定居是超越我的4。 对于所有这些缺点,如果不存在的话,从射线到Buds Pro 2的音频质量的提高几乎是不明显的。结论:不要听Reddit。 只需买雷康。 2024-03-17 2024-03-22 00:38:11
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R326GSRO9TMBV9 Verified Purchase Daniel Fox 3.0 Size feels like it will fall out at any minute Size and the noise cancelling are the only issues.My Jabras work a lot better on noise cancelling and fit.Text messages coming through is great!Long life too.... Overall it is okay, but not for the price in my opinion. 尺寸和降噪是唯一的问题。我的jabras在取消降噪和贴合方面效果要好得多。文本消息传来也很棒!长寿也很长。 2024-03-13 2024-03-22 00:39:45
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1OEDNYSZ66ISQ Verified Purchase Heather 1.0 Already messed up The first day I wore these they had really loud screeching static. This happened with my Galaxy buds 2 but at least it didn't start until 6 months after having them. 第一天,我穿了这些,它们的尖叫声很大。 这发生在我的Galaxy Buds 2中,但至少直到拥有6个月才开始。 2024-03-22 2024-03-24 01:15:55
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2O1B3E9XSB5OS Verified Purchase Xeno 1.0 Was sent USED product The earbuds arrived in original Samsung boxing, but the factory sealing tape had been peeled away. After pairing with my phone, they identified as "Jordan's Bud2 Pro" ...and I'm not Jordan. The additional ear pad sets were missing along with the quickstart guide. 耳塞到达了原始的三星拳击,但工厂密封胶带已被剥去。 与我的手机配对后,他们被识别为“乔丹的bud2 pro”……我不是乔丹。 额外的耳垫套件以及Quickstart Guide缺少。 2024-03-21 2024-03-25 01:20:11
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RTO3KKS090V0Z Verified Purchase Donald Cassell 2.0 Not worth the upgrade I have Galaxy Buds 2 and wanted to upgrade. Purchased these and there was no real differences that I noticed. 我有Galaxy Buds 2,想升级。 购买了这些,我没有发现真正的差异。 2024-03-22 2024-03-25 01:21:24
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R3ENA3TNS71ZY6 Verified Purchase Fayth 3.0 Worked great at first Worked great when I first got them in September 2023. Amazing sound quality and zero problems connecting and using them, but less than a year later (in about February) the left one stopped working. I could connect to my device, it was fully charged, and the sensor indicated that they were in correctly but there was no sound coming out. And now the end ofmarch the right one is having the same problem. Connecting and charging but still no sound. 当我在2023年9月第一次获得它们时,效果很好。令人惊叹的声音质量和零问题连接并使用它们,但不到一年后(大约在2月左右),左派一个停止工作。 我可以连接到我的设备,它充满了电荷,传感器表明它们在正确的位置,但没有声音发出。 现在,右边的终点是遇到相同的问题。 连接和充电,但仍然没有声音。 2024-03-22 2024-03-25 01:25:51
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1H3DBI1AAOAF4 Verified Purchase Holden C. 2.0 Noise cancelation The noise cancelation is spotty and goes in and out when it pleases. Didn't have this problem with the original earbuds 2s just get those. And yes I checked the fit and it always says the fit is good. 取消噪声是斑点,并在愉悦时进出。 原始耳塞2的问题没有这个问题。 是的,我检查了合适的状态,它总是说合适性很好。 2024-03-25 2024-03-27 11:48:21
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2MMIO9V4BUHQZ Verified Purchase Christi 2.0 Zzzzzz Very every slow. It took weeks for the product to even ship. 非常慢。 该产品甚至运送了数周。 2024-03-23 2024-03-29 01:11:20
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R11IUAIQZBXT3Z Verified Purchase Zachary 1.0 Received a box with a broken seal and no headphones. I was looking forward to a nice new pair of headphones since I lost my old ones. I received this and I was immediately passed. 自从我丢失了旧耳机以来,我一直期待着一双不错的新耳机。 我收到了这个,我立即通过了。 2024-03-24 2024-03-29 01:31:32
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R32L1AQGOCCWGU Verified Purchase Bill Watson 1.0 Wouldn't pair with my galaxy s23 Wouldn't even come on with a fullcharge. 甚至都不会充分收费。 2024-03-27 2024-03-30 00:52:47
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2ARRDQSZV3HOC Verified Purchase Emily 2.0 Poor fit The design change without the "wing" on the top/back of earbud makes them fit very poorly. I have to add silicon every other week to the top part of the buds to get them to stay in. The sound quality is good, but I'm not sure I'll keep these due to the design. 在耳塞顶部/背面没有“机翼”的情况下,设计变化使其适合非常差。 我必须每隔一周将硅添加到芽的顶部,才能让它们保持进度。声音质量很好,但是由于设计,我不确定我会保留这些。 2024-03-27 2024-03-30 00:54:48
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R1RDB82LWY9LKD Verified Purchase Monica Abogado 2.0 No es lo que esperaba No es tan bueno como esperaba 它不如我预期 2024-03-27 2024-03-30 00:54:48
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R33FGHZFI7YGNI Verified Purchase Robin Smith 1.0 Ear Buds Waster Of Money I'm a sper fan of Samsung but these ear buds are not the one.1st they do not stay in your ear.2nd you can still hear noise while on the phone.why pay this type of money if they're not going to work.i will be returning for full refund. 我是三星的史密斯(Sper)粉丝,但这些耳朵芽不是一个。1st他们不留在您的耳朵里。2nd您仍然可以在电话上听到噪音。如果他们不去的话,为什么要付款此类钱 工作。我将返回全额退款。 2024-03-28 2024-03-31 02:00:26
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R3KD7UILOXJW7H Verified Purchase K 1.0 Stopped working, Samsung warranty terrible The case stopped charging. Tried to work with Amazon but they told me this was a Samsung warranty issue. Shipped to Samsung and they said sorry, not a warranty isdue. Not even a year old. Junk. Beware buying expensive electronics on Amazon. 案件停止了充电。 试图与亚马逊合作,但他们告诉我这是三星保修问题。 运往三星,他们说抱歉,而不是保修。 甚至没有一岁。 垃圾。 当心在亚马逊上购买昂贵的电子产品。 2024-03-28 2024-03-31 02:00:26
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2WF9HKXOKO82F Stephen Lee Klein 2.0 Constantly fall out at the gym These things stay in without a problem when I'm watching videos and stuff, but at the gym they are CONSTANTLY falling out. I've tried every size ear piece and none of them help. From sweating and making gym faces they just work their way out EVERY. SINGLE. SET. If you're getting these for the gym, keep looking elsewhere. 当我观看视频和东西时,这些事情毫无问题地呆在没有问题上,但是在健身房里,它们一直在不断掉下来。 我尝试了所有尺寸的耳朵,但它们都没有帮助。 从出汗和制作健身面,他们每次都在努力。 单身的。 放。 如果您要为健身房买到这些,请继续寻找其他地方。 2024-03-28 2024-03-31 02:01:18
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R3J1S60G0AJSAM Verified Purchase Jake Hunter 3.0 They fall out. This may just be a me thing but these things fall out of my ears particularly if I'm using them in the gym and I'm sweating. I've tried all the different size tips and they have the same problem. This means I'm constantly adjusting them but when you touch them either the one-touch (pause) or touch-and-hold (cycle noise cancellation) is activated so there's no good way to adjust them without messing with the audio in some way. Beyond that the microphone quality is good and audio quality is pretty good. Probably wouldn't buy again. 这可能只是我的事情,但是这些东西从我的耳朵里掉出来,特别是如果我在健身房使用它们,并且正在出汗。 我尝试了所有不同尺寸的技巧,并且它们有相同的问题。 这意味着我正在不断调整它们,但是当您触摸它们时,请激活一键式(暂停)或触摸式(周期噪声) 。 除此之外,麦克风质量很好,音频质量也很不错。 可能不会再购买。 2024-03-28 2024-03-31 02:01:33
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R37LXXTSFOS80F Verified Purchase Jesse 3.0 uncomfortable I returned these and got airpods pro 2. To compare:Sound quality seemed similarnoise cancellation was a bit better in galaxy budstransparency mode was noticeably better in airpodsbattery life is a little longer in airpodsI like the airpods controls better, as you click the stems instead of tapping the body. I would accidentally press the controls almost every time I put in the galaxy buds.but the major thing was I find the airpods wayyyy more comforable. I can wear those all day while the galaxy buds start making my ears sore after like 30 minutes, and tapping it to pause or skip made it worse.if I didn't find these so uncomfortable I would consider these a much better deal as I got these for like $125 vs $180 for the airpods. 我返回了这些并获得了AirPods Pro 2.比较:在Galaxy Budstranspransparency模式中,声音质量似乎相似,在Airpodsbattery的寿命中,在Airpodsi中的寿命要好得多。 敲击身体。 几乎每次放入银河芽时,我都会不小心按控件。但是,主要的事情是,我发现AirPods Wayyyy更加舒适。 我可以整天穿那些,而星系芽在30分钟后开始使我的耳朵酸痛,然后敲击以使其暂停或跳过。 AirPods以125美元和180美元的价格获得了这些。 2024-03-29 2024-04-01 00:53:29
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R2RYKHED51X94 Verified Purchase just a consumer 1.0 Worst Samsung Product I have ever bought Disaster, doesn't fit well or seal in my ears. Never had these issues with previous Samsung Buds. Had to return second pair for same reason. Don't buy!!! 灾难,不太适合我的耳朵。 以前的三星芽从未遇到过这些问题。 出于同样的原因,必须返回第二对。 不要买!!! 2024-03-30 2024-04-02 01:20:38
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF RKHSSJU29KCGF Verified Purchase Minty lamb 3.0 Just ok Not as good as I thought or hoped. Can't get a goof fit with these buds, I use the app to test the fit and sometimes they just fall out while the app says good fit! Also they're a bit "fumbly" to put back in the case, the magnets don't automatically attract them in the correct direction. ANC and ambient sound controls are just ok. 不如我想的那样好。 无法适应这些芽,我使用该应用程序来测试合适,有时它们会掉落,而应用程序表示合适! 另外,它们有点“笨拙”,以使磁铁自动在正确的方向上自动吸引它们。 ANC和环境声音控件还可以。 2024-03-31 2024-04-02 01:22:57
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF R3MJGA7HBTSO3J Verified Purchase Mark Johns 3.0 ***NOT U.S. VERSION*** Cannot get 1 yr Samsung warranty on this product in the US. Received version from UAE. Otherwise these function as they are supposed to. Just hope I don't have any issues with them. 在美国,该产品无法获得1年的三星保修。 从阿联酋收到版本。 否则,这些功能如应应有的。 只是希望我对他们没有任何问题。 2024-03-30 2024-04-02 01:22:57
us SAMSUNG B0B8TC6KWF ROK69RGALIZCC Verified Purchase A&J 1.0 Earbuds not in the box! Amazon box was sealed with the Prime tape, but the black Samsung box inside had ripped tape/broken seal. Opened the Samsung box and the earbuds case (and earbuds) are missing completely. 亚马逊盒子用胶带密封,但是里面的黑色三星盒子上有胶带/折断的密封件。 打开三星盒子,耳塞盒(和耳塞)完全丢失了。 2024-03-28 2024-04-03 00:50:58