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us XTUOES B0B63NJBPX RNPRPTIOJNUUF Verified Purchase Anna 2.0 WARNING: Planned obsolence! This product worked great for the first (almost) year I had it. Clunky app, but it did its job.Then, one day, while I was out of town, I lost connection with it. I couldn't feed my cat nor see any feed history to see if she'd gotten fed. I figured I'd reset it when I got home, trusting it would continue to dispense while disconnected as promised. Perhaps it did; I'll never know. I fed my girl extra just in case the moment I got home. But I suspect it didn't, as it has never once dispensed automatically since that day.Here's the problem: when this happens, there is no way to reset the connection to your app nor your Wifi! And I do say WHEN, not IF, because, when I came back to the product to look for the online manual, finding nothing, I searched the comments. I was horrified to see SEVERAL reviews and Q&As that said the same thing. No one was able to fix the problem, and XTUES has created no patch to fix this.There is apparently a newer model of this product that now has a Reset button integrated. Find that one if you're sold on this look. Me, I've lost all faith in this brand. A repeatedly reported bug this severe, one that could resulted in the starvation of a pet left alone during a vacation, should have taken this model completely off the market. 该产品在我度过的第一年(即将来临)中效果很好。 笨拙的应用程序,但它完成了工作。 我无法喂我的猫,也看不到任何饲料历史,看看她是否已经吃饱了。 我认为我回到家时会重设,相信它会继续分配,而按承诺断开连接。 也许做到了; 我永远不会知道。 我额外喂我的女孩,以防万一我回家。 但是我怀疑它没有,因为自那天以来它从未自动分配。这是问题所在:发生这种情况时,无法重置与您的应用程序或WiFi的连接! 而且我确实说何时,而不是,因为当我回到产品寻找在线手册时,什么也没找到,我搜索了评论。 我很害怕看到几次评论和问答,这也是如此。 没有人能够解决这个问题,XTUES并未创建修补程序来解决此问题。显然,该产品的较新型号现在已经集成了一个重置按钮。 如果您以这种外观出售,请找到一个。 我,我对这个品牌失去了所有的信心。 一再报道了这种严重的错误,这可能导致一个在假期期间独自留下的宠物饥饿的错误,应该使该模型完全脱离市场。 2024-05-17 2024-05-20 04:29:13