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us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1FRNQ79KQQXC4 Verified Purchase Kim S. Koonce 2.0 not as comfortable I think this is not that great a product. It showed it would have a second set of ear inserts for different sizes and did not come with them. I have found it hard to charge. all in all a disappointment. 我认为这不是一个很棒的产品。 它表明它将具有不同尺寸的第二组耳朵插入物,并且不会随身携带。 我发现很难充电。 总而言之。 2023-08-02 2023-08-04 19:15:39
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R12JQRUBSB7QXG Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 2.0 They do not last. I got these on June, 20th. By August, the left ear did not have sound. I only use them during workouts. I have had the same luck with previous JLabs. It’s time to move on to something else. 我在6月20日得到了这些。 到八月,左耳没有声音。 我只在锻炼过程中使用它们。 我对以前的jlabs也有同样的运气。 是时候继续前进了。 2023-08-03 2023-08-06 07:24:48
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2BLFG43925XAN Verified Purchase Scott 1.0 Terrible sound quality While they are durable enough to serve as workout headphones, the sound quality is so poor they aren't worth the price. I've had headphones from the dollar store with better sound quality than these. 尽管它们足够耐用,可以用作锻炼耳机,但声音质量是如此差,不值得。 我从Dollar Store的耳机上拥有比这些质量更好的声音质量。 2023-08-05 2023-08-08 07:43:51
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2RBWDWPR5RVLL Verified Purchase Middle-aged dad 3.0 Terrible fidelity Comfortable on the ears.Pairs easily.User friendly.Terrible fidelity. Produces sound fidelity equivalent to cheap $1 wired earbuds you’d buy at a gas station in a jar next to the cash register.In short: great Bluetooth engineering. Crappy sound. 舒适的耳朵很容易。用户友好。 产生的声音忠诚度相当于您在收银机旁边的一个罐子里的加油站购买的廉价$ 1有线耳塞。简而言之:Great Bluetooth Engineering。 糟糕的声音。 2023-08-05 2023-08-08 07:44:34
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1KDXZUR0MRDLK Matt 1.0 Defective when purchased Bought a pair of the dark blue ones in-store. Fresh out of the box, the left earpiece didn't work. Full charge - nothing. Poor quality. Avoid this if you can. 在店内买了一双深蓝色的。 刚开箱即用,左耳机不起作用。 充电 - 什么都没有。 低质量。 如果可以的话,请避免这种情况。 2023-08-07 2023-08-09 07:56:04
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R3C739V4XYVYJ1 Verified Purchase Jack 1.0 Does not work after a few uses Stopped working within a month of using. Not worth it at all 在使用的一个月内停止工作。 根本不值得 2023-08-07 2023-08-10 08:36:58
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R34C8JMIS665DD Verified Purchase Matthew Allen 1.0 Lasted about 3 days Ordered these for my adult son. The sound quality was awful, and the left side died after about two days. Very poor quality item. I have used other J Lab products that were great and a good value. These do not fall into that category. 为我的成年儿子订购了这些。 音质很糟糕,左侧大约两天后死亡。 质量很差的项目。 我使用了其他伟大且价值良好的J实验室产品。 这些不属于该类别。 2023-08-07 2023-08-10 08:36:58
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RANE5OM6Q0YAG Cleveland Washington 1.0 Pure garbage For the money you pay, they should be louder with more bass and quality but they sound like weak toy speakers 为了您支付的钱,他们应该以更大的低音和质量更大声,但听起来像是弱玩具扬声器 2023-08-08 2023-08-11 05:41:46
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2WUQRLP0RMHT5 Verified Purchase Katrina 2.0 Worked great - until it didn’t Loved this device for about 6 weeks. Good sound and very secure fit. Plus, I loved the clever way a USB plug is embedded in the case - no addl wire needed (never seen that before). However within a couple weeks of 30-day return window the L bud stopped working. Can’t get it to charge or play. Maybe the exception but in my case, not a good investment. 喜欢这个设备约6周。 声音良好,非常安全。 另外,我喜欢在情况中嵌入USB插头的巧妙方式 - 不需要附加线(以前从未见过)。 但是,在30天的返回窗口的几周内,L Bud停止工作。 无法获得充电或比赛。 也许是例外,但就我而言,这不是一项不错的投资。 2023-08-08 2023-08-11 05:43:05
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R3HQQ9P60CGWCF GJS 3.0 Bargain quality, bargain price I like these for running but the sound isn't great and they easily let sweat in. That being said they do allow me to hear other noises around me, unlike noise-cancelling ones. 我喜欢跑步,但声音并不好,它们很容易让汗水出汗。这就是说,它们确实可以让我听到周围的其他声音,这与降噪相一样。 2023-08-08 2023-08-11 05:43:29
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RO5MMOYBEADWR Verified Purchase Rianna 3.0 It’s ok Lasted a good 2 months. Now it is a little quieter and muffled when I speak on the phone. But the sound for music is still working good 持续了2个月。 现在,当我在电话上讲话时,它有点安静,闷闷不乐。 但是音乐的声音仍然很好 2023-08-09 2023-08-11 05:43:29
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1LMNS65KKDSRZ Verified Purchase Heather G. 1.0 Lasted about 2 months Already broken after 2 months. 1 side won’t sync. Reset them several times. 两个月后已经破裂了。 1侧不会同步。 将它们重置好几次。 2023-08-10 2023-08-13 06:09:18
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1M0ZX06XDDP3E Verified Purchase Anna 2.0 Short lasting The ear buds that it came with were really big and it hurt when I put it inside my ears. Super uncomfortable. I had to switch it with smaller buds that I had, it was very unsatisfactory that it didn’t come with multiple sizes of ear buds like other earphones. That aside, you can never tell when your earbuds have fully charged and one of the earbuds stopped working after two months and the other one wouldn’t charge past a medium battery charge. The only good thing about it is that it’s kinda noise-canceling (not fully) and it stays in your ear when working out. Even the sound quality isn’t that great when I compared it to my other (cheaper) earbuds. 它带来的耳朵芽真的很大,当我将其放在耳朵里时,它很痛。 超级不舒服。 我不得不用较小的芽切换它,这是非常令人满意的,因为它没有像其他耳机那样带有多种尺寸的耳芽。 除此之外,您永远无法分辨出您的耳塞何时充满电,其中一个耳塞在两个月后停止工作,另一个耳塞不会通过中等电池充电。 唯一的好处是,它有点像噪音(不是完全),并且在锻炼时会留在您的耳朵里。 当我将其与其他(便宜)耳塞进行比较时,甚至声音质量也不是很棒。 2023-08-10 2023-08-12 06:29:09
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RQLPRURJVTLFS Verified Purchase christian bowman 3.0 Started out good Greta at first the the day pieces stretch and make it hard to charge 首先,greta片段伸展,使其很难充电 2023-08-10 2023-08-13 06:13:15
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R24VIHDT15XE90 Verified Purchase R. SMITH 3.0 Great battery life, fair price These earbuds are comfortable and they stay in place. The battery life is great. My biggest issue is the lack of sealing, so there is no noise cancellation. Also, the bass is all but nonexistent. If you can live with mid-volume mids and highs, these would be a good choice. 这些耳塞很舒适,并且留在原地。 电池寿命很棒。 我最大的问题是缺乏密封,因此没有消除噪音。 而且,低音几乎不存在。 如果您可以与中型中部和高点相处,那么这将是一个不错的选择。 2023-08-12 2023-08-15 07:56:46
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R3B6WSG8J9JDZW Verified Purchase thtr0601 1.0 Only lasted 3 months Quit working after three months of light use 三个月的光线使用后退出工作 2023-08-13 2023-08-16 05:39:57
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2I4WR0X7G4SGM Verified Purchase S. Mulhall 1.0 Defective and not returnable Earbuds worked for about 1 month and now turn themselves off and on while in use. On a 1 hour ride they went off and on two dozen times before I pulled them out. Went to return them and it says the return window is closed after just over 1 month since purchase. So much for a warranty! 耳塞工作了大约1个月,现在正在使用时关闭自己。 在1小时的时间里,他们离开了两次,然后我将它们拉出来。 去返回它们,它说自购买以来仅1个月后,返回窗口已关闭。 这么多保修! 2023-08-14 2023-08-17 04:37:16
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RKGM926VESQW8 Verified Purchase Chris R. 2.0 Perfect fit...But Its very sensitive, so if you are jogging with a hoodie, the hoodie will rub up against it causing it to skip tracks, lower the volume, make phone calls. 它非常敏感,因此,如果您戴着连帽衫慢跑,连帽衫会在它上摩擦,从而导致它跳过轨道,降低音量,拨打电话。 2023-08-14 2023-08-17 04:37:45
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RSFUOCBQVO251 Verified Purchase Njkema Smith 1.0 Don't waste your money I actually have a better quality pair under $20 from Walmart. 实际上,我从沃尔玛(Walmart)有一对质量更高。 2023-08-15 2023-08-17 04:37:16
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R24BGZDZTU1RIK Verified Purchase Dan B. 2.0 Won’t pair without case They pair as soon as you take them out of the case, but god forbid you should pause bluetooth, good luck re-pairing them! 他们一旦将它们淘汰,他们就会配对,但是上帝禁止您暂停蓝牙,祝您好运! 2023-08-15 2023-08-18 12:47:43
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2XOX3EPT4H9N8 Verified Purchase Matt Friedly 3.0 Super quiet, weird with glasses The volume is pretty darn low on these so unless they form fit your ear canals perfectly it's going to be hard to hear the audio. Fitting the over ear bit with glasses on makes it tricky, and apparently my right ear canal is funky and can't make a proper seal - I've had the same issue with other earbuds... otherwise the battery life seems good and my wife appreciates them! 这些音量在这些方面非常低,因此除非它们形成完美的耳道,否则很难听到音频。 将玻璃杯放在上面的耳朵上很棘手,显然我的右耳管很时髦,无法制作出适当的密封 - 我与其他耳塞遇到了同样的问题...否则,电池寿命看起来不错,我的 妻子感谢他们! 2023-08-15 2023-08-18 12:47:49
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1KHRN4RXV5XRR Verified Purchase Kevin Kelley 1.0 almost unusable audio quality terrible audio quality. almost unusable. 可怕的音频质量。 几乎无法使用。 2023-08-18 2023-08-20 04:13:29
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RSBYGQSBHFETH Verified Purchase Sandra 2.0 charging your buds The cable isn't obvious to some of us. You must plug it in like a USB cable. The silly battery looking thing needs to be tugged on and then plugged in to your USB charging station. I'm still waiting to make a final judgment. This is just FYI. 对我们中的某些人来说,电缆并不明显。 您必须像USB电缆一样将其插入。 看起来很愚蠢的电池东西需要拉紧,然后插入USB充电站。 我仍在等待做出最终判断。 这只是仅供参考。 2023-08-18 2023-08-21 17:45:28
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RVI1V67J18DW8 Verified Purchase Alonzo Jones 2.0 Not like my JLab earbuds. These over the ear earbuds are not as reliable as my in the ear earbuds made by JLab. These things will cut off and I have to reconnect it to my phone way too often which can be very annoying when I'm listening to music while riding my bike. 这些在耳塞上不像我在Jlab制作的耳塞中那样可靠。 这些事情会切断,我必须经常将其重新连接到手机的方式上,这在我骑自行车时听音乐时可能会很烦人。 2023-08-21 2023-08-24 03:37:55
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R32NKAK3Z2IAQK Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 1.0 Stops working after 1 month These were decent for the price point. However, now they are cutting out even though fully charged and phone in my hand close range. I just missed the 30 day return window unfortunately. 这些对于价格点来说是不错的。 然而,现在即使充满电并且手机在我手中近距离,它们也会被切断。 不幸的是,我刚刚错过了 30 天的退货期限。 2023-08-22 2023-08-25 04:08:54
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1GDUDWTEXIGZ7 Verified Purchase miriam rodriguez 3.0 On/ off and volume Not easy to pit the volume up or down and off. They are very confortable and the music is clear 将音量上下放置并不容易。 他们很舒服,音乐很清楚 2023-08-22 2023-08-24 03:38:31
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R23P83K4C6248L Verified Purchase Maria Vishnyakova 1.0 Broke after a few weeks - left earbud went dead Used them for running and casual listening and they broke within a few weeks of use. Left earbud went dead, issues with very slow charging. 将它们用于跑步和休闲聆听,但使用几周后就坏了。 左耳塞没电了,充电速度很慢。 2023-08-23 2023-08-25 04:08:54
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R20HP4M7S292S9 Verified Purchase David Delgrandile 3.0 Mid grade quality audio Externally they are great quality. Fits in the ear great and the part that goes around the ear is really comfortable. However the audio quality isn't very good. The max volume isn't very loud and at about 3/4 volume is starts staticy. Absolutely no type of bass either. Just more static.I've had JLABS Go earbuds before these and they were way better 从外表上看,它们质量很好。 非常贴合耳朵,围绕耳朵的部分非常舒适。 但是音频质量不是很好。 最大音量不是很大,大约 3/4 音量时开始静态。 也绝对没有任何类型的低音。 只是更加静态。在此之前我曾使用过 JLABS Go 耳塞,它们要好得多 2023-08-24 2023-08-27 10:06:46
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2ZP9T4DLJ36VX Verified Purchase sy m. 1.0 AVOID Stopped working after a month. Cheap garbage 一个月后停止工作。 廉价垃圾 2023-08-25 2023-08-28 05:23:35
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2OOK5UQB90CL8 Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 3.0 Left earbud not working. Had this product for a month and the left side is not working. Tried all the “fixes” suggested on the internet. No good. Very disappointed because I really enjoyed them. 使用该产品一个月了,左侧不起作用。 尝试了互联网上建议的所有“修复”。 不好。 非常失望,因为我真的很喜欢它们。 2023-08-25 2023-08-28 05:26:54
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R3NG5Q26KDZJF7 Verified Purchase Laquita K. 1.0 Uncomfortable wear I was excited to order this item, but the wear around the ear is extremely uncomfortable! It hurts! I won’t be using these as often as I wanted to anymore. I will look for a new pair something that is comfortable around the ear as well good quality 我很高兴订购这个产品,但耳朵周围的磨损非常不舒服! 好痛! 我不会再像我想要的那样经常使用这些了。 我会寻找一副新的,戴在耳朵上舒适且质量好的东西 2023-08-26 2023-08-29 07:05:34
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1SRM1N96SR5IF Verified Purchase Phil D. 1.0 Broke in 7 months These earbuds are good for exercising, however, the right earbud stopped working after only 7 months. It appears one of the tiny pins in the charging case either broke off or stayed in the depressed position. Would not recommend. Spend a little more & purchase something that will last aat least a year. 这些耳塞非常适合锻炼,但右耳塞仅使用 7 个月就停止工作。 充电盒中的一个小插脚似乎已折断或停留在凹陷位置。 不会推荐。 多花一点钱,购买至少可以使用一年的东西。 2023-08-26 2023-08-29 07:05:34
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2J2AA2RIV4PW0 Patrick1609 1.0 Terrible connectivity One of the two earbuds is constantly disconnecting. Then you have to go through this ridiculous process of putting them in the case and pressing each earbud seven times. Never had any issue with other wireless earbuds just these. 两个耳塞之一不断断开连接。 然后你必须经历这个荒谬的过程,将它们放入耳机盒中并按每个耳塞七次。 其他无线耳机从来没有遇到过任何问题,只是这些。 2023-08-27 2023-08-30 05:38:26
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1L0ORSP635WAK Verified Purchase Adam Adrianson 3.0 below average sound I was disappointed in the sound quality. music was flat compared to my older earbuds that are in the same price range. good battery life, so if you listen to a lot if books on tape, it's probably fine. 我对音质感到失望。 与我在相同价格范围内的旧耳机相比,音乐表现平平。 电池寿命长,所以如果您经常听磁带书籍,可能没问题。 2023-08-27 2023-08-30 05:40:21
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2JS62QVYCM4RM Verified Purchase Diane Cain 1.0 Worked for 6 weeks Headphones worked well for 6 weeks, then right side earbud stopped working. Too late to return it and now stuck with bad headphones. 耳机工作正常6周,然后右侧耳塞停止工作。 为时已晚,无法返回它,现在戴上了坏耳机。 2023-08-28 2023-08-31 07:07:00
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R1Q8ACYV1CDHOX Krysty 2.0 Battery life last 5 hours per use max I received these as a gift to replace an older version that I’d used for a year (those actually had 9+ hours battery life). I listen to audio books all day at work, and my previous version of these could go the entire week before charging the base, but these are dead before lunch, and I need to charge the base every 2 days. The right earbud never charges to 100%, and stops at 90%, and the mere act of turning them on drops it to 80%. The fit is also a really uncomfortable, the ear clip is very tight, and the base of the ear bud is quite large in comparison to the previous version. Overall I’m pretty disappointed because my others have been so great (they just dont hold a charge anymore due to about 2500 hours of use :) ) I would not recommend this model if you are looking for wireless earbuds. 我收到了这些礼物,以取代我使用一年的旧版本(实际上有9个小时以上的电池寿命)。 我整天都在工作,我以前的版本可能会在收取基地之前整整一周的时间,但是在午餐前已经死了,我需要每2天收取每2天的基地。 右耳塞永远不会收取100%的费用,并以90%的速度停止,而将其上调的行为降至80%。 合身也是一个非常不舒服的,耳朵夹非常紧密,与以前的版本相比,耳芽的底部非常大。 总的来说,我非常失望,因为我的其他人如此出色(由于使用约2500小时,他们不再收取费用了:))如果您正在寻找无线耳塞,我不建议您使用此模型。 2023-08-28 2023-08-31 07:07:46
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R2LNJB0LZERA9 Verified Purchase Bobbye Osborn 1.0 They are to tried Hurt my ears 伤害了我的耳朵 2023-08-29 2023-09-01 06:21:12
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R336OHVTCDDNZC Verified Purchase Thomas 2.0 Bad even for cheap earbuds The sound on these is extremely "tinny", even for the cheap price.The controls are hit and miss. I'd guess about 50% of the time the taps don't register.The left one often just turned off and on every 10 mins or so.Returned. 这些声音也非常“微妙”,即使是廉价的价格。控件受到打击和错过。 我猜大约有50%的时间没有注册。 2023-08-29 2023-08-31 07:07:46
us JLab B09RGB47FJ R390SQ8HUMZOQQ Verified Purchase Kindle Customer 2.0 Lasted 3 months Purchased these earbuds in May and they worked good, but 3 months in and the batteries will no longer hold a charge, 2 minutes tops. 5月购买了这些耳塞,它们的工作效果很好,但是3个月内,电池将不再充电2分钟。 2023-08-29 2023-09-01 06:21:49
us JLab B09RGB47FJ RC9SP3YQUUXPT Verified Purchase Guidance Budget 2.0 Poor sound quality I have to turn up the volume as high as it will go just to hear over background noise at the gym. 我必须将音量提高到最高的声音,只是为了听到健身房的背景噪音。 2023-08-31 2023-09-04 05:02:47