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us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 RQ0VOB31PWV25 Verified Purchase Everett Harper 3.0 When I finally got them, they're pretty decent So, I ordered these to arrive between 4AM and 8AM on June 29th, the day I was leaving for vacation. I left at noon, and they still hadn't arrived. Once on the road, I get a notification that they are delivered. Since everyone was out of town with me, I had to call in a favor to have someone go over to the house and pick up the package. They got there and there was no package. I contacted Amazon and was informed that I had to wait until after July 1st to ask for a replacement. I waited until July 4th when I had service again and requested a replacement since the original delivery apparently grew legs. Not shocking since int was vary late on the delivery window. Overall sound quality is good, nice bass and noise cancelling. They do seem to drain the case battery pretty quickly, but it does come with a lifetime warranty. 因此,我下令在6月29日(我要去度假的那一天)之间到达凌晨4点至8点之间。 我中午离开,他们仍然没有到达。 一旦上路,我就会收到通知他们已交付的通知。 由于每个人都和我一起出城,所以我不得不打电话给一个人,让某人去房子拿起包裹。 他们到达那里,没有包裹。 我联系了亚马逊,并得知我必须等到7月1日之后才能要求替换。 我一直等到7月4日,我再次提供服务,并要求替换,因为原始交货显然长大了。 不令人震惊,因为在交付窗口上INT较晚。 总体声音质量很好,低音和降噪。 它们似乎很快就会耗尽案例电池,但确实具有终身保修。 2023-07-09 2023-07-11 01:26:41
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 RJNFKEIDX212E Verified Purchase Georgia Fisanick 1.0 Multiple Issues - Sensitive Ears Beware I normally don’t write reviews, but given the overwhelming positive ratings, I’m surprised and disappointed by this product. Plus I wanted to warn others with medical conditions like migraines or sensitive ears that these may exacerbate.First off, these ear buds are pulsatingly LOUD, particularly for bass even on my iPhone’s reduce bass setting or lowering the volume. It’s so bad it makes the inside of my ears tingle and sets my teeth on edge— maybe I’m hypersensitive as a migraine sufferer but using them for more than a few seconds is a physically uncomfortable to nauseating experience. Anyone with inner ear sensitivities may want to reconsider purchasing. I’ve tried all EQ combos including turning off EQ and toggling the balance between the headphones and nothing works.Secondly, they are uncomfortable. I have small ears and while they come with multiple ear pieces I seem to have gotten two mediums and one large set.Thirdly, I cannot get them to connect with calls— only music. I’ve tried the troubleshooting directions in the user manual but no luck.Will be returning if possible. 我通常不会写评论,但是考虑到压倒性的积极评级,我对此产品感到惊讶和失望。 另外,我想警告其他患有偏头痛或敏感耳朵的医疗状况的人。首先,这些耳朵芽响亮,尤其是对于低音,即使在我的iPhone的降低低音设置或降低体积上也是如此。 真是太糟糕了,它使我的耳朵内部发麻,使我的牙齿处于边缘 - 也许我是偏头痛患者过敏的,但是使用它们超过几秒钟对令人作呕的经历感到不舒服。 任何具有内耳敏感性的人都可能想重新考虑购买。 我尝试了所有EQ组合,包括关闭EQ并切换耳机之间的平衡,而无效。第二,它们不舒服。 我的耳朵很小,当它们带有多个耳朵时,我似乎已经得到了两种媒介和一组。 我尝试了用户手册中的故障排除说明,但没有运气。如果可能的话,将返回。 2023-07-09 2023-07-12 01:04:12
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R1A589RDJ40K2B Verified Purchase BJV 2.0 Not for working out Sound quality is great, honestly better than my airpods in my opinion. I sweat a lot when working out, and these earbuds just can't hang. The sweat messes with them, for instance, they kept saying volume maximum because there was sweat on the earbuds and they thought I was pressing the volume up when I wasn't. Also, there were multiple times I got to the gym and one of the earbuds was dead because it didn't connect properly to the case. Keep in mind, they only go in the case one way, I think the sweat caused an issue with the connection. 在我看来,声音质量比我的Airpods更好。 锻炼时我会出汗很多,这些耳塞无法悬挂。 例如,汗水与他们混乱,因为耳塞上有汗水,他们一直在说最大的音量,并且他们以为我在不汗水时会按下音量。 另外,我多次去健身房,其中一个耳塞已经死了,因为它与案件没有正确的联系。 请记住,它们只能以一种方式进行,我认为汗水引起了连接的问题。 2023-07-14 2023-07-17 02:09:55
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R2YOU52210SGV7 Verified Purchase Allyson 3.0 Good quality for the price, but a little uncomfy They are good quality for the price, however they start to hurt my ears and get uncomfortable after about 45 minutes of use. I haven’t used them for exercise, but I don’t think they would be great for that. When I tilt my head they will usually fall out. 它们的价格质量很好,但是在使用大约45分钟后,它们开始伤害我的耳朵,并感到不舒服。 我没有用它们进行锻炼,但我认为它们对此并不好。 当我倾斜头时,他们通常会掉下来。 2023-07-16 2023-07-18 02:18:00
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R20H8APM12XOLW Danielle 1.0 Not the same as before I have purchased 2 sets of these earbuds. The first set I purchased worked great, however a darling puppy also thought they were really cool as a chew toy so I needed to purchase new earbuds. When I went to re-purchase I didn't think twice about getting these again. However the second set has not been as great as the first. The first thing I noticed is that even though the package says it comes with adjustable ear bud sizes, mine was missing but this wasn't a huge deal for me since the originals fit. However the second thing I noticed, is that the volume on this set is not easy to adjust on either bud. This was a waste of money. 我已经购买了2套这些耳塞。 我购买的第一组工作效果很好,但是一只亲爱的小狗也认为它们作为咀嚼玩具真的很酷,所以我需要购买新的耳塞。 当我重新购买时,我没有三思而后行。 但是,第二组不如第一组那么好。 我注意到的第一件事是,即使包装上有可调节的耳朵尺寸,我的缺少了,但这对我来说并不重要,因为原始产品很合适。 但是,我注意到的第二件事是,这组上的音量在任一芽上都不容易调整。 这是浪费金钱。 2023-07-18 2023-07-21 03:14:27
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R2ZC88HEL8K7DH Verified Purchase LQA 3.0 Disappointed Shockingly poor sound quality (muddled, no high end), weight distribution causes them to fall out of ear, REALLY bad with voice to text. 令人震惊的声音质量差(混乱,没有高端),重量分布会导致它们从耳朵中掉下来,这确实很糟糕。 2023-07-18 2023-07-21 03:14:54
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R1MHVIHGZ1U9WD Verified Purchase Bryn McKay 3.0 Good, but delay in sound. Seem okay, the slight delay will probably get annoying. 似乎还可以,轻微的延迟可能会烦人。 2023-07-21 2023-07-24 08:54:21
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R2YNUDJN9R5M9J Amazon Customer 1.0 Disgusting!!! I purchased these earbuds based on the number of favorable reviews. The box was slightly torn which should have been my first clue but when I opened the case and saw disgusting dirt or ear wax on each earbud I was shocked. The soft tips had already been placed on the buds. It was also missing the charging cable. Clearly they had been used before returning them. I will definitely be returning them also!!! 我根据有利评论的数量购买了这些耳塞。 盒子稍微撕裂,这本来应该是我的第一个线索,但是当我打开箱子并在每个耳塞上看到令人恶心的污垢或耳朵蜡时,我感到震惊。 软提示已经放在芽上。 它也缺少充电电缆。 显然,它们在返回之前已被使用。 我一定也会归还他们!!! 2023-07-21 2023-07-27 10:55:15
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R3UUFPEB1XNXBY Verified Purchase D. Nozicka 3.0 Get what you pay for! I’ve had these for just over a month and have barely used them. Already the left ear Bud is discolored and that’s the one I use the least. The tapping to control phone calls doesn't always respond and causes missed calls. Just irritating and probably need to get used to it more. The charge seems to hold for quite a few hours with constantly streaming music. 我已经有一个多个月了,几乎没有使用它们。 左耳芽已经变色,这是我最少使用的。 敲击控制电话并不总是响应,并导致未通话。 只是刺激,可能需要更多地习惯它。 通过不断流媒体的音乐,这项指控似乎持续了几个小时。 2023-07-24 2023-07-27 11:12:55
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R2AADRPHL2WYPV Verified Purchase dean young 2.0 it is what it is Ok sound. Confusing earbud functions. Useless microphone...no one can hear me.But it's great to take to the pool so if someone steals it ... no biggy 好的声音。 令人困惑的耳塞功能。 毫无用处的麦克风...没人能听到我的声音。但是很高兴带游泳池,所以如果有人偷了它...没有任何巨人 2023-07-27 2023-07-29 03:32:13
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R3KUCVM0X34CJN Verified Purchase doug mangandi 1.0 Falls out of ears constantly, too sensitive to touch. Worst product. Constantly falls out of my left ear, anytime I touch the buds, they turn off my music. 最差的产品。 每当我触摸芽时,它们都会不断地从我的左耳中掉下来,它们都会关闭我的音乐。 2023-07-28 2023-07-31 03:17:36
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R1NDXCQXDX4DEJ Verified Purchase Dizzle 2.0 Already stopped working Got these ear buds on July 14th and the left ear bud has already stopped working. Sound quality was good, but I can't recommend if they don't even last two weeks. 7月14日获得了这些耳芽,左耳芽已经停止工作。 音质很好,但是我不建议他们什至不持续两个星期。 2023-07-29 2023-07-31 03:18:02
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 RC5PJ8FW706XC Chrissy conrad 3.0 Wanted to be a 5 Star I really was excited about these after all the reviews and I finally got them as a gift from my mom from my wishlist. I wore them for the second time today at the gym and they kept glitching as if I were walking away too far from my phone and I wasn’t. That’s why I give these three stars, I may return and try another pair?? 在所有评论之后,我真的很兴奋,我终于把它们从我的愿望清单那里拿到了妈妈的礼物。 我今天第二次在体育馆里戴了它们,他们一直在毛刺,好像我走得离手机太远了,但我没有。 这就是为什么我给这三颗星星,我可以回来并尝试另一对? 2023-07-29 2023-08-01 03:56:47
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 RWUICM2OLI506 Verified Purchase Kelly Wilson 1.0 Does not work and no help page. Will not connect and no help directions. Buds are not comfortable. Will not allow a return After 32 days even though I tried to return it within the 30 day window. I do not recommend this company or the ear buds. 不会连接,没有帮助指示。 芽不舒服。 即使我试图在30天的窗口内将其退还,即使我试图将其返回,也不允许返回。 我不推荐这家公司或耳芽。 2023-07-30 2023-08-02 03:00:24
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R1O1UEOZKD0FF6 Verified Purchase Lori 3.0 Not as good as the real I pods My husband said he could not hear as well as the real ipod 我丈夫说他听不到真正的iPod 2023-07-31 2023-08-03 05:20:26
us TAGRY B09LD44NW6 R3JLR31K2TJ21N Verified Purchase Tiffany 1.0 Sent me dirty used headphones!! Immediately going back. Red gunk everywhere, white smudges on the case and ear wax?? Come on now. 立即回去。 到处都是红色的笨蛋,白色涂在箱子上,耳蜡? 来吧。 2023-07-31 2023-08-11 18:33:14