站点 : us 抓取月份:2024-02


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us Petcube B08XXKJGKH R1OJK41RG2Y0OV Verified Purchase Keira Moore 2024-01-11 1.0 3.0 Stopped working completely after 1.5 years, audio has never worked. Not worth the cost. 未更新 Super bummed by this because I really like all the features this camera has, but it's been problematic from the start. The sound only ever worked if I was on wifi for some reason, so I couldn't hear or speak through the microphone unless I had a wifi connection on my own phone, which I often don't when I'm out. I spoke to the company after I got my petcube and they said this was a known issue but they didn't have a fix. I figured I could live with that because I needed the video and treat launch function the most. Last week after only having the device for a year and a half, it started clicking on and off over and over and flashing a yellow light. The camera will not connect ever since. I spoke to the company and did some troubleshooting and they said that it has a \defective wifi module.\ They offered to send a new one, then took the offer back and said that because I have had the camera for over a year that they won't replace it. Super disappointed- for the price, I would expect this device to last longer than a year and a half and I don't really want to spend $150 again to have the same thing happen. I'm especially disappointed because I am a dog trainer and use this camera a lot, and just had my who Guide Dogs club purchase a bunch of these, and I've been recommending them to clients. Knowing now that they break so easily through no fault of my own, and won't get replaced, I'm going to find something else to recommend to clients. Too bad because this design has some really useful features and the video quality was good. My dog is going to be pretty sad that the \treat ghost\ won't be visiting anymore. **Edited to add: the customer service team for petcube has been very responsive. Unfortunately they said my device was out of warranty because I had it for over a year, so they would not replace it and did not have any fixes for the sudden wifi connectivity issue. They sent me a new device for half price, but the audio still doesn't work and there is still no fix for that, so they included a second camera (just the basic camera, not the treat launcher one) for free so we could connect both and have audio. The new Bytes2 camera is having some connectivity problems here and there and I get a frozen feed a lot, but at least it's something. I hope they can get all the kinks worked out and release a new version of the bytes2 because i has really great, useful features. I like the treat flinger, the camera quality is great when it works, the nightvision is great, and the alerts are great for sound/motion.Super bummed by this because I really like all the features this camera has, but it's been problematic from the start. The sound only ever worked if I was on wifi for some reason, so I couldn't hear or speak through the microphone unless I had a wifi connection on my own phone, which I often don't when I'm out. I spoke to the company after I got my petcube and they said this was a known issue but they didn't have a fix. I figured I could live with that because I needed the video and treat launch function the most. Last week after only having the device for a year and a half, it started clicking on and off over and over and flashing a yellow light. The camera will not connect ever since. I spoke to the company and did some troubleshooting and they said that it has a \defective wifi module.\ They offered to send a new one, then took the offer back and said that because I have had the camera for over a year that they won't replace it. Super disappointed- for the price, I would expect this device to last longer than a year and a half and I don't really want to spend $150 again to have the same thing happen. I'm especially disappointed because I am a dog trainer and use this camera a lot, and just had my who Guide Dogs club purchase a bunch of these, and I've been recommending them to clients. Knowing now that they break so easily through no fault of my own, and won't get replaced, I'm going to find something else to recommend to clients. Too bad because this design has some really useful features and the video quality was good. My dog is going to be pretty sad that the \treat ghost\ won't be visiting anymore. 2024-01-14 02:16:19 2024-02-03 06:43:03