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us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RPX242JN9NMEH Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 1.0 Didn't last I've had these for just over two months and one just fell apart. 我已经有两个多月了,一个刚刚崩溃了。 2024-03-01 2024-03-03 02:53:31
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R38GT5LZG6C5EK Verified Purchase Denisha 3.0 Could've Been 5 Stars I love these earbuds. They were great however, they cause a bad rash in my ears. Be careful. 我喜欢这些耳塞。 但是它们很棒,但是它们在我耳边造成不良皮疹。 当心。 2024-03-01 2024-03-03 02:54:47
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3Q9ZYSONCZV1S Verified Purchase Tashea Johnson 2.0 Not a good experience The earbuds would not hold a charge after a few weeks. When I contacted customer service they basically disregarded my issue and told me that I just needed a new charging cable. Of course I had already tried that, and it didn't solve the problem. I ended up having to buy a new (different brand) set of earbuds because these were pretty much useless. I was disappointed because for the short time they worked, I actually liked them a lot. 几周后,耳塞不会收费。 当我联系客户服务时,他们基本上会忽略我的问题,并告诉我我只需要一条新的充电电缆即可。 当然,我已经尝试过,但没有解决问题。 我最终不得不购买一套新的(不同的品牌)耳塞,因为这些耳塞几乎没有用。 我很失望,因为在他们工作的短时间内,我实际上非常喜欢他们。 2024-03-02 2024-03-04 03:25:53
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RR1SHJWCMGJ80 Verified Purchase Baily 1.0 Cheep- yes, quality- no I've bought a fair number of budget wireless earbuds over the years. These just aren't worthwhile. The quality is awful, sound becomes robotic at times. I've also had problems with the earbuds having a delay on one side. I would recommend passing on these and getting a different brand. There are many others in the same price range that are just better. 多年来,我已经购买了相当数量的预算无线耳塞。 这些只是不值得的。 质量很糟糕,有时声音会变得机器人。 我也遇到了耳塞在一侧延迟的问题。 我建议通过这些并获得其他品牌。 在同一价格范围内还有许多其他情况都更好。 2024-03-02 2024-03-05 04:48:19
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3FQVME8HY3F56 Verified Purchase Kevin Muenzler 2.0 Started great. A week after I received them, the left ear bud stopped charging. 我收到他们的一周后,左耳芽停止了充电。 2024-03-02 2024-03-05 04:51:25
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2787BX2AIGANA Verified Purchase Barbara M. 1.0 WORST EARBUDS EVER Don’t believe the thousands of reviews! They do not stay in place AT ALL. Tried all tips/read the directions AND CONTACTED COMPANY. Zero help. Impossible to review the battery life, noice cancellation or quality of sound because they POP OUT IMMEDIATELY. WORST AMAZON PURCHASE EVER. 不要相信成千上万的评论! 他们根本不留在原地。 尝试了所有提示/阅读指示并联系了公司。 零帮助。 无法查看电池寿命,取消声音或声音质量,因为它们会立即弹出。 亚马逊最糟糕的购买。 2024-03-03 2024-03-06 02:00:19
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3LHOBS9VMSR4D Verified Purchase A Linardos 1.0 Not great I have owned other Tozo model earbuds with no issue but the T10's are not great. Volume range is not great I like to listen to audio books to go to sleep and the lowest volume setting is loud. It periodically will just increase volume to maximum without prompting. Very temperamental to connect to blue tooth as well. Overall not great. 我还拥有其他没有问题的Tozo模型耳塞,但T10并不是很棒。 音量范围不是很好,我喜欢听音频书来入睡,最低音量设置的设置很大。 它会定期将其增加到最大值而不提示。 连接到蓝牙也非常气质。 总的来说不是很好。 2024-03-03 2024-03-06 02:00:19
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R6Y2YZDQ2YEFH W. Rugano 2.0 Fail Six days after purchase the right earphone volume failed 购买后六天,右耳机量失败 2024-03-04 2024-03-06 02:00:40
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1KXNHBTI412CP Verified Purchase Marc 2.0 Would Not Pair to a New Device Worked well with my old iPhone however could not get them to pair with a new device once paired with the original device, that i no longer own. 但是,与我的旧iPhone合作良好,但是一旦与原始设备配对,我不再拥有的原始设备都无法与新设备配对。 2024-03-03 2024-03-06 02:00:40
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3QD45EONXA9PQ Verified Purchase Juicycocklicker69 3.0 Ok Not the best budget earbuds. But they're pretty good. Decent bass, decent volume, didn't cut out at all. 不是最好的预算耳塞。 但是他们很好。 不错的低音,体面的音量,根本没有减少。 2024-03-03 2024-03-06 02:01:06
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R252OCFRV6XLEV Verified Purchase Right at 3 months and this week the left earbud is hardly working. Hardly hear it compared to the right side 1.0 Garbage quality Received in mail Dec 5 and it is Mar 4 today so its been only 3 months and the left earbud is starting to give out as of this week. The left earbud I can hardly hear from while the right is still currently working like new still. Not worth 20 for only 3 months of use 12月5日在邮件中收到,今天是3月4日,因此仅3个月,截至本周,左耳塞就开始散发出来。 当右边的左耳塞目前仍然像New Still一样工作时,我几乎无法听到。 仅使用3个月就不值20 2024-03-05 2024-03-07 02:23:26
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3GORMTHFKHUHZ Verified Purchase NG. 1.0 Don't waste your money This product doesn't stay put because it doesn't fit properly in the ear, if you try to reposition it it'll turn the volume off. They felt in my food, beverage, even the toilet, showing they're a pice of ?, message received, don't fell for it you'll waste your money 该产品不会保持放置,因为它不能正确地适合耳朵,如果您尝试重新放置它,它将关闭音量。 他们在我的食物,饮料,甚至厕所里都感到自己是?,消息接收到的东西,不要因为它而倒下 2024-03-04 2024-03-07 02:23:26
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2LZY37UH0UKFR Verified Purchase Lake Leland 3.0 They broke These are one of my many pairs that I have had recently. Unfortunately I lost one, but when I had them they were good. It was hard to get a good fit in my ear tho... 这些是我最近拥有的众多对。 不幸的是我失去了一个,但是当我拥有它们时,它们很好。 很难在我的耳朵里贴合... 2024-03-05 2024-03-07 02:29:15
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3DH6P9N3IKL1L Verified Purchase Gabe F. 1.0 Dead battery/ not charging after 1 year On 2/21/23 I purchased the unit serial # az:QFF4OGXWSRAARIWY8UY4ZH358A. On February 28,2024 the unit stopped charging with only two lights. Cleaned electrical contacts and changed cord and receptacle, still not working while it works on others. Sent company email and no response. Apparently high related if the the unit works for a greater length of time. 在2/21/23,我购买了单元序列#AZ:qff4ogxwsraariwy8uy4zh358a。 20124年2月28日,该单元仅用两个灯就停止充电。 清洁电触点并更换了绳索和插座,在对其他人的工作时仍无法使用。 发送了公司电子邮件,没有回复。 显然,如果该设备工作更长的时间,则显然相关。 2024-03-05 2024-03-08 03:08:08
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RWZP6UX25KROW Verified Purchase Omar 2.0 One Earbud Stopped Working One of the earbuds just stopped working. It plays extremely low and now I only use the right earbud. 其中一个耳塞刚刚停止工作。 它的作用非常低,现在我只使用右耳塞。 2024-03-05 2024-03-08 03:10:18
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1UBRQ20AI35UX Verified Purchase JoshT 1.0 Broken Charge Port Summary:Audio and battery life is great! I wouldn't say it has "noise cancellation" though, just enough to listen to your music undisturbed. Surprised by the decent bass quality! The biggest problem, however, can't charge without applying pressure.Details:Bought this after my TOZO 6 earphones were giving out, loved those to death but it was time for an upgrade and decided to checkout the TOZO 10. These TOZO 10 earphones were great! The only significant upgrade was the bass quality and the larger case. I had no problems with these earphones for the entire month I owned them. They came fully charged and I didn't need to charge them for that entire month! Impressive battery life!However, that was also the problem, because I never checked to charge it. When it finally came time, I realized too late that the port was dysfunctional. It only charges when I apply pressure. I missed the window to return it, unfortunately.Overall, if your earphones come with a working charging port, it's a decent product! 摘要:音频和电池寿命很棒! 我不会说它具有“消除噪音”,足以听您的音乐不受干扰。 不错的低音质量感到惊讶! 然而,最大的问题不能在不施加压力的情况下收取费用。网尾:在我的Tozo 6耳机发出后,购买了它,爱上了这些,但是是时候进行升级了,决定结帐Tozo 10。 很棒! 唯一的重大升级是低音质量和更大的情况。 在整个月我拥有这些耳机的情况下,我没有问题。 他们充满了电荷,整个月我都不需要收费! 令人印象深刻的电池寿命!但是,这也是问题所在,因为我从未检查过要充电。 当它终于到来时,我意识到该港口功能失调。 它只有在我施加压力时收取费用。 不幸的是,我错过了将其返回的窗口。 2024-03-06 2024-03-09 04:45:37
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RH3CKLI3YF15A Verified Purchase Tessa green 2.0 Ehhh The ear beds are great for music and are loud and clear, but if you try to use them for a call, you can hear great, but I'm constantly told how they go in and out, ir it sounds like I'm in a tunnel or it's echoing. I end up using them way less bc of this. Considering I bought them for calls. 耳朵床非常适合音乐,而且响亮而清晰,但是如果您尝试使用它们来打电话,您会听到很棒的声音,但是我经常告诉它们它们是如何进出的,IR听起来好像我在 隧道或它正在回荡。 我最终以他们的BC少了。 考虑到我给他们买了电话。 2024-03-06 2024-03-09 04:46:31
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1CSG3XU8KRFR5 Verified Purchase Amazon Customer 3.0 Ok for the price The sound is pretty good but I don't like the shape of them and they don't fit or stay in my ears as well as others I've owned. Changing the rubber tips doesn't help, it's the earbud shape that's the issue for me. Not bad for the price. 声音很好,但我不喜欢它们的形状,它们不像我拥有的其他人一样适合或留在我的耳边。 更换橡胶技巧无济于事,这是我的耳塞形状。 价格还不错。 2024-03-07 2024-03-09 04:46:55
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RO80Y8PGQHQPT Verified Purchase dukee 3.0 Stopped charging after a month This device can't charge. 该设备无法充电。 2024-03-07 2024-03-10 05:22:39
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2RWS59OWI8VD0 Verified Purchase Poor quality, they come apart in wash and dry cycle. Runs in fabric and little pieces of fabric get on other items and won't come off easily. 1.0 Don’t say deep bass if it doesn’t have that. Weak no deep bass - Poor quality to large should be smaller. 弱没有深低低音 - 较差的质量应该较小。 2024-03-08 2024-03-11 03:38:19
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2DJYRRGVWO3L6 Verified Purchase Carly Sullivan 1.0 Great at first but stop working after about 5-6 months I have had two sets of these. They seem to work fine at first but only last 4-5 months before they refuse to charge, refuse to turn on, stop connecting to my phone. 我有两套。 他们似乎起初工作正常,但是只有持续4-5个月才拒绝充电,拒绝打开,停止连接到我的手机。 2024-03-10 2024-03-12 02:57:11
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1K6IESOX45D5V Tek2000 2.0 these do NOT have tactile/clicker/"real buttons" but have capacitive touch-sensitive faces and i do mean sensitive...or not. it is impossible to predict whether a particular tap will be considered one, two or three or any tap at all. it makes it impossible to control your music if you are like me who jumps around long playlists a lot. Note that this is a review of the newer ergo model. someone else has said the older version looks like they have "real" buttons, but they look the same to me, so I am not going to bother to try them out unless another reviewer confirms that.The buds are the easiest to get into your ears fast with a quick twist and they are very comfortable. That's why I'm giving them a 3 instead of a 1. I wish I could keep them, but I don't listen straight through a playlist. Oh, no bass at all and the volume leaves a lot to be desired, too. I think I'll drop it back to two stars, actually. Too bad, since I love the fact that they are clearly labeled and are a great price. 我的确是敏感的...或不敏感。 不可能预测特定的点击是否将被视为一,二或三个或任何水龙头。 如果您像我一样,很难控制您的音乐,那是我在漫长的播放列表中跳动很多的。 请注意,这是对较新的Ergo模型的评论。 其他人已经说过旧版本看起来像是“真实”按钮,但它们对我来说看起来一样 快速扭曲的速度快速,它们非常舒适。 这就是为什么我给他们3而不是1。我希望我能保留它们,但是我不会直接通过播放列表聆听。 哦,根本没有低音,而且音量也有很多不足之处。 实际上,我想我会把它放回两星。 太糟糕了,因为我喜欢它们被明确标记并且是一个不错的价格的事实。 2024-03-09 2024-03-12 02:57:22
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R34PYPN5BBY3LY Verified Purchase A. Maszle 1.0 Garbage Bought these in October. Didn’t start using them until early March. They almost lasted until mid-March. The wireless charging case gets extremely hot, may be a fire hazard. Going back to JLab. 十月购买了这些。 直到3月初才开始使用它们。 他们几乎持续到3月中旬。 无线充电箱变得非常热,可能是火灾危险。 回到Jlab。 2024-03-13 2024-03-15 01:08:44
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1DBLQCAFLJNQ0 Verified Purchase Carolyn Phares 1.0 Fall apart Had these 2 months and the backs just fell off both. Can't hear anything. Very disappointed. 这两个月了,背部刚刚掉下来。 什么都听不到。 非常失望。 2024-03-12 2024-03-15 01:08:44
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1N7FBEPNNYFRE Verified Purchase SM 2.0 Missing additional earplugs They do not stay on my ears. Too late to return them. 他们不留在我的耳边。 为时已晚,无法退还它们。 2024-03-12 2024-03-15 01:09:14
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R12LQI6BSRVVT7 Verified Purchase Kamal Vij 1.0 Disappointed! These headphones will simply not stay in my ear for more than 2 minutes. I’ve gone through multiple ear pieces to try and find the right fit but I don’t think they’ve made these for a 125 pound normal size ear. I’m beyond the return perio sadly these will go in the trash. 这些耳机根本不会在我的耳朵里停留超过2分钟。 我经历了多个耳朵来尝试找到合适的合适,但我认为他们没有用125磅的正常耳朵来制作它们。 我不幸的是,我将无法回报。 2024-03-14 2024-03-16 01:05:36
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RHLPO7UJYMPOW Verified Purchase superbid88 1.0 Not reliable I have been using it for less than a year and already have a problem. Its Bluetooth keeps disconnecting repeatedly. The same problem persists after deleting the device and reconnecting it. 我已经使用了不到一年的时间了,已经有问题。 它的蓝牙不断反复断开连接。 删除设备并将其重新连接后,同样的问题仍然存在。 2024-03-15 2024-03-17 04:16:19
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3GUAYHG7XSPBT Verified Purchase Julio Tirado lanyi 2.0 Muy fragiles Los audifonos iban bien pero a la primera caida de uno de ellos, el derecho, simplemente no volvio a cargar mas y tuve que desecharlos. 耳机进展顺利,但是在其中一个秋天的第一个秋天,右边的手机根本没有再加上,不得不丢弃。 2024-03-15 2024-03-17 04:16:45
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3T5WIR02NPVML Verified Purchase Harold 2.0 Waste of money. Would not stay in my ears. Battery lasted no more than 2 hours. 不会留在我的耳边。 电池持续不超过2小时。 2024-03-14 2024-03-17 04:16:45
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2RE3GAC6LDE9K JLR 3.0 Keep Falling Out These are comfortable however, they keep falling out. I keep this pair at my office and wear them everyday at lunch. They fall out several times every time I wear them. I have another brand that I keep at home and they never fall out. 这些很舒服,但是它们不断掉下来。 我将这对搭配在办公室,每天在午餐时穿。 每次我佩戴它们时,它们都会掉了好几次。 我还有另一个我保留在家里的品牌,他们永远不会掉下来。 2024-03-15 2024-03-17 04:17:41
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2KT2AGFHBDT51 Verified Purchase Maxton 3.0 Tozo? More like Bozo! Good quality for music listening, but be careful using these during important meetings because they might make you look like a bozo! Had co-workers say that I sounded like I was fading in and out. What a mess! I ain’t no clown. 音乐聆听的质量良好,但是在重要的会议期间要小心使用这些质量,因为它们可能会让您看起来像Bozo! 有同事说我听起来像是在逐渐消失。 真是一团糟! 我不是小丑。 2024-03-12 2024-03-17 04:17:41
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3VUKNC3HJ2RS4 Verified Purchase Jesse R Hoole 2.0 I have had better headphones I have had better experiences with other wireless headphones. It takes a while for the headphones to pair with my phone. They will sometimes still connect with my phone even when I have turned them off. If they are low battery they die quickly. 我在其他无线耳机方面有更好的体验。 耳机需要一段时间才能与我的手机配对。 即使我关闭它们,它们有时仍会与我的手机连接。 如果电池电量低,它们会很快死亡。 2024-03-15 2024-03-18 02:10:00
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3UQ3G6B5UZOH0 Verified Purchase M C 1.0 Don't believe the hype These headphones completely stopped connecting to Bluetooth devices a few months after purchase. The buttons became extremely finicky just shortly before that. Sound was good when they did work... But now they are a memory of what was. Yes even getting them to full charge, resetting, let die then recharge... They are a dud. Won't connect no matter the device - computer, Mac, android, ipad.... Disappointed. 购买后几个月,这些耳机完全停止连接到蓝牙设备。 在此之前,这些按钮变得非常挑剔。 当他们工作时,声音很好……但是现在它们是对什么的记忆。 是的,即使让他们充满充电,重置,让死亡然后充电……它们是一个愚蠢的人。 无论设备如何 - 计算机,Mac,Android,iPad ....失望。 2024-03-16 2024-03-19 02:57:38
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R393Z4GIPWPT38 Verified Purchase CPorta 1.0 Save your money. They will work well for a few months. Then there were be connection issues and they will gradually sound horrible. They will disconnect and connect at random while in the case. Don’t by these unless you only want to use them for a short period of time. They so don’t stay in your ear. 他们将持续几个月。 然后是有连接问题,它们逐渐听起来很恐怖。 在这种情况下,它们将断开并随机连接。 除非您只想在短时间内使用它们,否则不要借此。 他们所以不要留在你的耳边。 2024-03-17 2024-03-20 08:56:05
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1LBVGPV6EIFDY Verified Purchase Alek 1.0 Waste of money! This model did not last long! 这个型号不会持续很长时间! 2024-03-17 2024-03-20 08:56:05
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3H03EK7ATZ19W Verified Purchase Cynthia 3.0 Longevity is not good I have used these off and on for 8 months and the suddenly the right earbud became really quiet. I can barely hear it on full volume while the other would be hurting my ear from how loud it is 我已经使用了8个月了,突然,右耳塞变得非常安静。 我几乎无法全面听到它,而另一个会伤害我的耳朵 2024-03-17 2024-03-20 08:56:13
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2F2LRKYMZYIIU Verified Purchase Jessica 3.0 Love but disappointed Great buy at the time. But 5 months of limited use an 1 bud died. 当时很高兴买。 但是5个月有限使用1芽死亡。 2024-03-18 2024-03-21 01:46:29
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RX4TJHVDNLRY1 Verified Purchase Byrnes 1.0 Used and broken The used ear birds do not charge in case. Had to use my own charger. Item did not come with charging wire.I want a refund 用过的耳朵不收取以防万一。 必须使用我自己的充电器。 物品没有带充电的电线。我想要退款 2024-03-19 2024-03-22 02:33:51
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3JPQ8JL2KL8DP Verified Purchase Jason 2.0 Case is ENORMOUS - can’t recommend Do not recommend, the case is almostcomically enormous. It wouldn’t matter if these are the greatest sounding headphones in the world, the case is too large to be useful. I’m a large man and this isn’t a pocketable product. It’s a joke compared to my other wireless from this same brand. 不建议,此案几乎是巨大的。 这是否是世界上最伟大的耳机,案件太大而无法有用,这并不重要。 我是个大个子,这不是一个可袖珍的产品。 与我来自同一品牌的其他无线的无线相比,这是个玩笑。 2024-03-20 2024-03-23 04:45:47
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3FEFM5CG91TKE Verified Purchase Cat Farnham 2.0 Great But....... They worked great for the first few months, now only one will charge and can't use it for more than 20 minutes. Am stuck with one ear bud.. Great sound and everything else but I need to be able to use both not one. 他们在最初的几个月里工作得很好,现在只有一个人会收费,并且无法使用它超过20分钟。 我的声音和其他所有东西都陷入困境。但是我需要能够使用两者。 2024-03-22 2024-03-24 02:11:05
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R4703BVQQRIIX Verified Purchase Justin 2.0 Volume problems Don’t recommend. Good value, but poor craftsmanship. They were cheap so it comes with the territory I suppose. This is actually my first (ever) set of wireless Bluetooth earbuds. Within a couple of weeks of having them, the left side earbud drastically decreased volume on its own. I contacted the company and got help with fixing the problem. Months later the right ear bud is experiencing them same problem. Now I’m in the process of reaching out again. Hopefully the company can help me as they did before since I came remember the process previously used. I frequently have to adjust them to prevent them from falling out. I don’t recommend these eat buds due to these issues. 不建议。 物有所值,但工艺差。 他们很便宜,所以我想这是带有领土。 这实际上是我有史以来的第一组无线蓝牙耳塞。 在拥有它们的几周之内,左侧耳塞自行却大大减少了体积。 我联系了公司,并获得了解决问题的帮助。 几个月后,右耳芽正在遇到同样的问题。 现在,我正在再次联系。 希望该公司能够像我记得先前使用的过程一样,像以前一样为我提供帮助。 我经常必须调整它们以防止它们掉下来。 由于这些问题,我不建议这些吃芽。 2024-03-23 2024-03-26 00:25:16
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1V3LG3HVQ81T2 Verified Purchase Drew Chesen 1.0 They do not fit well and fall out of my ears. They have good sound quality and battery life if you can make them stay in your ears. They keep falling out of mine. I almost have to hold them in my ears. I definitely do not recommend this product. 如果您能使它们保持在耳朵中,它们的声音质量和电池寿命都很好。 他们不断摔倒。 我几乎必须把它们抱在耳边。 我绝对不推荐这个产品。 2024-03-24 2024-03-27 07:58:29
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RQ5MI6XPHDHNB Verified Purchase Lisa Tallarico 3.0 Awesome earbuds broke within 6 months 6 months after using these daily, and they were spontaneously broken. I have never dropped them and have a silicone case for them. They are awesome though! Sound was great and the microphone was exceptional. The battery life was less than I expected. I charge about once per week. Work on durability and quality with the next iterations! 每天使用这些六个月后,它们会自发折断。 我从来没有放弃它们,并为他们有一个硅胶盒。 他们很棒! 声音很棒,麦克风很出色。 电池寿命比我预期的要少。 我每周收费一次。 下一次迭代的耐用性和质量! 2024-03-24 2024-03-27 08:00:54
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2VDPH7F8FLF9P Verified Purchase Thembo 1.0 These are probably the worst headphones I've ever owned They come with 4 different silicone bits and none of them fit. They either suction into my ears and make my music quieter, or let in all the noise around me and sound incredibly tinny. My ears literally bled from abrasion trying to get these headphones to fit in my head. Stay away. 它们配备了4个不同的硅胶碎片,它们都不适合。 他们要么吸入我的耳朵,使我的音乐更安静,要么让我周围的所有声音听起来令人难以置信。 我的耳朵实际上是从磨损中流血的,试图让这些耳机适合我的脑海。 远离。 2024-03-26 2024-03-28 08:55:37
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2INVTCIPVRM7R Verified Purchase N W 1.0 Review Earbuds will randomly automatically connect when you pick up your phone or call someone (Even if they are idle in their case unused for a long time) leaving you confused why your getting a "blank call" Bought two of thwm and only one still works properly after a short period of time. Trash product 当您拿起手机或打电话给某人时,耳塞将自动连接(即使他们在案件中闲置很长时间闲置)会使您感到困惑为什么您会收到“空白呼叫”的thm,而只有一个仍然正常工作 短时间后。 垃圾产品 2024-03-24 2024-03-28 08:55:37
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2HM9R816LG85E Verified Purchase Scott 2.0 one earbud dies faster than other. really annoying annoying product. one ear buds dies way faster than the other. the buttons are sensitive press it to pause and it calls ppl. 烦人的产品。 一个耳朵芽比另一个耳朵死的速度快。 按钮是敏感的,按下它暂停,然后调用ppl。 2024-03-25 2024-03-28 08:56:18
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RHUBUMW0JYTUJ Verified Purchase Sarah Selbach 1.0 Died after 3 months. DO NOT BUY They were great In the beginning, sounded as good a my JBL ear buds but after 3 months the sound is so minimal, even with it being charged 100% I can barely hear anything. 他们一开始就很出色,听起来很不错,我的JBL耳朵芽很不错,但是3个月后,声音如此少,即使收费100%,我几乎听不到任何声音。 2024-03-27 2024-03-29 11:24:42
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RHCD8QWAO4I3O Verified Purchase Kt n phl 1.0 They don’t charge I ordered these earphones and one stopped charging after a few days. I ordered a second pair to try and the same thing happened. I don’t know how there are so many great reviews. I don’t recommend this product. 几天后,我点了这些耳机,其中一个停止了充电。 我订购了第二对尝试,并发生了同样的事情。 我不知道有这么多出色的评论。 我不推荐这个产品。 2024-03-27 2024-03-29 11:24:42
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2RK0CXQZJAMBB Verified Purchase Jessica Keppler 1.0 Fall out of ear I tried all of the attachments and these fall out of my ears if I'm bending over or just walking for a couple of minutes. 我尝试了所有的附件,如果我弯腰或步行几分钟,这些附件就会掉下来。 2024-03-26 2024-03-29 11:24:42
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2G51ULNU537EO Verified Purchase Tiffany Brenton 3.0 Worked great BUT These have been working great. They tend to fall out of my ear in certain situations. But that hasn’t been much of an issue. Now however I cannot charge up the case to charge the earbuds. Quite frustrated with that. 这些一直很棒。 在某些情况下,它们往往会从我的耳朵中掉下来。 但这并不是很多问题。 但是,现在我不能收取案件收取耳塞的费用。 对此感到沮丧。 2024-03-26 2024-03-29 11:27:29
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R3BA2FH1WISF3V Verified Purchase Lac Nguyen 3.0 Case battery last only 1.5 year Like the sound quality with bass but the case refused to charge after only 1.5 year. 像低音的音质一样,但此案仅在1。5年后就拒绝收费。 2024-03-25 2024-03-29 11:27:29
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2IZKV3CQ4BDML Verified Purchase Rob Stephens 2.0 You get what you pay for. When they arrived I went for a jog but the buds kept falling out of my ears. No Bueno. 当他们到达时,我去慢跑,但芽一直从我的耳朵里掉下来。 没有布宜诺。 2024-03-27 2024-03-30 03:07:20
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM RXGPY5O7GTGIK Verified Purchase Big Joe 3.0 Sounds great. While they sound fantastic, I don't like the way they fit in my ears. They always feel like they are going to fall out. In fact they have feel out twice. 虽然听起来很棒,但我不喜欢它们适合我耳朵的方式。 他们总是觉得自己会掉下来。 实际上,他们感觉到了两次。 2024-03-27 2024-03-30 03:12:11
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2H0NWZ0GP80G3 Verified Purchase JQ 1.0 it keeps playing even when Im not using it It keeps connecting even when I am not using it and I placed it back into the charging case. It’s very annoying because I will be watching something on my phone while the earphones are being charged across the room, then all of a sudden the sound disappeared, and I realized its because it suddenly got connected. I have a bunch of wireless earphones because I like having access to them everywhere (house, work, car, etc.) but this is the first one that does this! 即使我不使用它,它也会继续连接,并将其放回充电箱中。 这很烦人,因为当耳机在整个房间里充电时,我会在手机上观看某些东西,然后突然间,声音消失了,我意识到它是因为它突然连接在一起。 我有一堆无线耳机,因为我喜欢到处都可以访问它们(房屋,工作,汽车等),但这是第一个这样做的! 2024-03-28 2024-03-31 06:56:26
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R28T9KK84RJSXB Verified Purchase Brett Meier 3.0 Low Battery, please charge. The sound quality is great, don't get me wrong. The only thing is that at 20% battery remaining they will constantly say "low battery, please charge." I understand the warning, but 20% seems high, if it were 10% or 5% they would be fantastic, but 20% makes them not feel like the battery lasts as long as it should. There is also no way to change this. 音质很棒,不要误会我的意思。 唯一的事情是,在20%的电池中,他们会不断地说“电池电量较低,请充电”。 我了解警告,但是20%的人似乎很高,如果它是10%或5%,它们将是很棒的,但是20%会让它们感觉不像电池持续一样长。 也没有办法改变这一点。 2024-03-28 2024-03-31 14:35:00
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2FK64PVT6CDQW Verified Purchase Noturbizness 3.0 So So, better items out there for less I like the design and confort they provide along with charging case. My bigget issue is the sound level cannot get it high enough that I can hear comfortiblely. I do have a hearing issue but I have oder Earbuds that produce higher sound. The battery life is not that great, I have average a couple of hours before they go silent. Tapping the sides of the earbud will pause or play music and the same for phone calls. 我喜欢他们提供的设计和融合以及充电盒。 我的大问题是,声音水平无法获得足够高的声音,以至于我能听到舒适感。 我确实有听力问题,但我的耳塞会产生更高的声音。 电池寿命不是那么好,我平均有几个小时的时间才能保持沉默。 敲击耳塞的侧面将暂停或播放音乐,并且可以打电话给电话。 2024-03-28 2024-03-31 14:35:00
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R1H7Q8U2WUHA73 Verified Purchase Adian 3.0 My opinion They have good audio but the case is easy to open by itself and the earbuds fall out easily 它们的音频很好,但案例本身很容易打开,耳塞容易掉下来 2024-03-30 2024-04-02 04:06:19
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R53SJVP7FC5UE Verified Purchase Kelsie 2.0 Calls are bad Got this for a friend and he likes it for music but every time we call he has to take them out because I can maybe hear every other word. The microphone is very very bad. 为朋友提供了这个,他喜欢音乐,但是每次我们称呼他都必须把它们带出去,因为我也许可以听到其他每个单词。 麦克风非常非常糟糕。 2024-03-31 2024-04-03 06:18:08
us TOZO B07J2Z5DBM R2YQ3KN5FI74NR Verified Purchase Midori 1.0 It's ok it broke with less than 30 gentle uses, I would NOT recommend buying this product. 它少于30张温和的用途破裂,我不建议购买此产品。 2024-03-29 2024-04-06 02:24:57