站点 : us 抓取月份:2024-04


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us Bouncie B07H8NS5MS RE1R76116N01W Ap 1.0 Extremely INACCURATE-Buy something else The purpose of this device is to show the location of your car. However, it seldom shows the location accurately. I'll have the car parked in my driveway and it will show the car miles away.Customer service is also terrible. With great difficulty, I was able to communicate with someone at the company who suggested I update the device software. I did that with no improvement in results. 该设备的目的是显示您的汽车位置。 但是,它很少准确地显示位置。 我将汽车停在车道上,它将显示出几英里的汽车。Customer服务也很糟糕。 我很难与公司的某人进行交流,该公司建议我更新设备软件。 我做到了,结果没有改善。 2024-04-03 2024-04-07 05:03:36